Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

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4357 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40a
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ss visit London

Desarrollo 00:40 Ss watch the London pass video. 5’ 3. Visit the London pass web site. On the right side there are the 10 top attractions. Have Ss pick 3 of them and organize a tour to take you, the teacher, to all 3 places. 5’ 4. Group divided in teams. 20’ to prepare the travel from one place to the next. Teacher asks Ss how to get to each place 10’ London pass web site

London pass web site

London pass video

London pass video

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4358 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40b
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Ss work in teams. Ss visit Paris from London. They are familiarized with the Eurostar line already so they can perfectly travel from London to Paris. They’ll pick the day and time for the excursion. Will write the plan in a piece of paper. When they arrive to Paris they’ll arrive to the Gare du Nord. From there they’ll have to create a route to get to the Eiffel Tower. There is a link to the Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower site for them to have an idea of what is they need to do, however for the purpose of this session they’ll create the route and will choose the transport object to get them there themselves. If time allows choose 5 words for a game of hangman at the end of the session. Paris Gare du nord

Paris Gare du nord

Eurostar from London to Paris

Eurostar from London to Paris

Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower

Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4359 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40c
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 T, today Ss will create their own travel pamphlets. This is an individual assignment. Take them back to the places they have visited so far and how they’ve travel by taxi, bus, metro, and airplane. Mention the requirements their pamphlets have to comply with: • Destination • Times • Travel routes • Prices • Phone numbers • Description of the destination • Transportation necessary to get there • Schedule All pamphlets must have drawn images or from cut outs or from various websites. 3. T, write on the board questions related to the information a pamphlet has to have e. g. • What is the name of the place we’ll be visiting? • How do I get there? •How much will it be? •Do I need a visa to get there? • Do they accept credit cards? • What is the language spoken there? • Places of interest 4. T, assign some time at the end of the session so all Ss can exchange information and show their work to the rest of the class. T, I’m including a link in the “recursos” column to illustrate the word “pamphlet”. There is a link in the “recursos” column as well to create a pamphlet from a template presented there, in case your Ss are savvy enough to create one using the computer. Have fun! Images of pamphlet

Images of pamphlet

Images of vintage Triptiks

Images of vintage Triptiks

Pamphlet template

Pamphlet template

Cierre 00:05 . T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4226 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40a
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ss visit London

Desarrollo 00:40 Ss watch the London pass video. 5’ 3. Visit the London pass web site. On the right side there are the 10 top attractions. Have Ss pick 3 of them and organize a tour to take you, the teacher, to all 3 places. 5’ 4. Group divided in teams. 20’ to prepare the travel from one place to the next. Teacher asks Ss how to get to each place 10’ London pass web site

London pass web site

London pass video

London pass video

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4227 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40b
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Ss work in teams. Ss visit Paris from London. They are familiarized with the Eurostar line already so they can perfectly travel from London to Paris. They’ll pick the day and time for the excursion. Will write the plan in a piece of paper. When they arrive to Paris they’ll arrive to the Gare du Nord. From there they’ll have to create a route to get to the Eiffel Tower. There is a link to the Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower site for them to have an idea of what is they need to do, however for the purpose of this session they’ll create the route and will choose the transport object to get them there themselves. If time allows choose 5 words for a game of hangman at the end of the session. Paris Gare du nord

Paris Gare du nord

Eurostar from London to Paris

Eurostar from London to Paris

Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower

Planning your visit to the Eiffel Tower

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4228 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 40c
Tema Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse
Competencia a desarrollar Seguir y dar indicaciones para trasladarse en un transporte público de un lugar a otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Discrimina, al escuchar y leer, nombres de lugares y medios de transporte
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 T, today Ss will create their own travel pamphlets. This is an individual assignment. Take them back to the places they have visited so far and how they’ve travel by taxi, bus, metro, and airplane. Mention the requirements their pamphlets have to comply with: • Destination • Times • Travel routes • Prices • Phone numbers • Description of the destination • Transportation necessary to get there • Schedule All pamphlets must have drawn images or from cut outs or from various websites. 3. T, write on the board questions related to the information a pamphlet has to have e. g. • What is the name of the place we’ll be visiting? • How do I get there? •How much will it be? •Do I need a visa to get there? • Do they accept credit cards? • What is the language spoken there? • Places of interest 4. T, assign some time at the end of the session so all Ss can exchange information and show their work to the rest of the class. T, I’m including a link in the “recursos” column to illustrate the word “pamphlet”. There is a link in the “recursos” column as well to create a pamphlet from a template presented there, in case your Ss are savvy enough to create one using the computer. Have fun! Images of pamphlet

Images of pamphlet

Images of vintage Triptiks

Images of vintage Triptiks

Pamphlet template

Pamphlet template

Cierre 00:05 . T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Distinguish images which indicate location such as maps and plans. • Identify when listening and reading, name, means of transportation included when given directions. • Identify the names of different destinies found in double entry table. • Read arrival and departure schedules from one point to the next. • Tell present location in relation with other point. • Complete sentences to show location of a place or town in relation to other. • Understand words which mean movement. • Recognize expressions which indicate destination, means of transportation and directions on how to get there. • Identify which and how many means of transportation are used to get to a final destination. • Ask questions to know how to get to a boarding place for public transportation. • Ask for the transportation faire to final destination. • Identify words which indicate distance between two or more places. • Recognize the names of points of reference for the departing and arriving places. • Complete sentences which offer information on how to go from one place to the next using public transportation. • Create sentences to go from one place to the next. • Verify directions drawing them in a map. • Read indications aloud to practice their pronunciation and intonation. • Images and text. • Identify speaker and listener. • Acoustic characteristics: volume, intonation and diction. • Types of sentences. • Demonstrative adjectives. • Adverbs of place. • Abbreviations ($, m-meter , LHR, London Heathrow, etcetera). • Use language to request and offer help. • Show courtesy and respect when asking for help.
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