Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4342 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35a
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Start by letting Ss play a Job mixer game. Link in the “recursos” column. 5’ T, there is a link in the “recursos” column to play a guessing game with Ss to review passive voice in the present tense. Follow instructions and play a game. Make sure to write the questions on the board as to model for Ss. 10’ 3. Ask Ss if they know of any new profession or occupation other than the traditional such as doctor, engineer, teacher, dressmaker, cook etc. Listen to their answers 5’ 4. Show the image of the Gamer evolution. Link in the “recursos” column. If Ss don’t mention anything related to computers or video, steer the conversation that way to talk about video games. Mention the gaming industry and ask if any of them would like to enter the world of the gaming industry. Ask what they know about that profession. Listen to their answers 5’ Let Ss know they’ll have to research the gaming industry. 5. There is a link in the “recursos” column with information about jobs in the industry. Let Ss read the page and help them with vocabulary. T, have Ss take turns to read aloud. T, tell Ss will have to take notes. Ask Ss to keep their notes clear and neat to use them for later sessions. 15’ Video games jobs

Video games jobs

Image of Gamer evolution

Image of Gamer evolution

Job mixer digital game

Job mixer digital game

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4343 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35b
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05

T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Remind Ss of the topic from last session regarding video gaming jobs.

Desarrollo 00:40

T, begin by leading Ss to the site about “How to get a job in the gaming industry”. Ss read aloud and take notes. 10’ Ask Ss for their opinion, listen to their comments. 5’ 3. Divide the group in teams and ask them to give you a summary using their notes and what they remember from last session about; • Game Designer • Programmer • Animator • Audio Engineer • Writer • Translator • Video Game Tester • Technical Support Specialist It will work better if you give each team two or three professional activities within the gaming industry, to summarize, and relate to the whole group to have the rest of the class take notes. 10’ 4. Show the video Aiming for work in the gaming industry for a listening activity. 5’ Link in the “recursos” column T, there is transcript of this video. Listen again and read the video at the same time. 5’ Link in the “recursos” column Clarify questions and help Ss with pronunciation. 5’

Transcript to the video Aiming for work in the video industry

Transcript to the video Aiming for work in the video industry

Cierre 00:05

T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4344 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35c
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Bring Ss back to the information about gaming.

Desarrollo 00:40 Ask Ss if they know about women in the gaming industry. Listen to their answers. 5’ 3. Let Ss read the article 25 Awesome women in gaming. This article mentions 5 to 6 lines about each one of them. It works better if you divide the group in teams, and assign a couple of women to each team so they can relate the information to the whole group later on. Ss take notes. 15’ 4. T, there is a link to a resource for you in the “recursos” column, related to the structure of a report. 5. There is also a video which you can show to your Ss if they have the level and skill necessary to follow everything it says. T, watch the video and relate the information if you think that’ll work best for your Ss. T, please summarize all into: • Introduction • Body • Conclusion 6. T, have Ss read the Tutorial Paper Writing. 10’ 7. T, use the last 10’ of your session to relate the information Ss have gathered about gaming to the 3 points in a report. Tutorial. Paper Writing

Tutorial. Paper Writing

How do I structure a report.  Video

How do I structure a report. Video

Report Structure. Teacher’s resource

Report Structure. Teacher’s resource

25 Awesome women in gaming

25 Awesome women in gaming

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4211 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35a
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Start by letting Ss play a Job mixer game. Link in the “recursos” column. 5’ T, there is a link in the “recursos” column to play a guessing game with Ss to review passive voice in the present tense. Follow instructions and play a game. Make sure to write the questions on the board as to model for Ss. 10’ 3. Ask Ss if they know of any new profession or occupation other than the traditional such as doctor, engineer, teacher, dressmaker, cook etc. Listen to their answers 5’ 4. Show the image of the Gamer evolution. Link in the “recursos” column. If Ss don’t mention anything related to computers or video, steer the conversation that way to talk about video games. Mention the gaming industry and ask if any of them would like to enter the world of the gaming industry. Ask what they know about that profession. Listen to their answers 5’ Let Ss know they’ll have to research the gaming industry. 5. There is a link in the “recursos” column with information about jobs in the industry. Let Ss read the page and help them with vocabulary. T, have Ss take turns to read aloud. T, tell Ss will have to take notes. Ask Ss to keep their notes clear and neat to use them for later sessions. 15’ Video games jobs

Video games jobs

Image of Gamer evolution

Image of Gamer evolution

Job mixer digital game

Job mixer digital game

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4212 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35b
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05

T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Remind Ss of the topic from last session regarding video gaming jobs.

Desarrollo 00:40

T, begin by leading Ss to the site about “How to get a job in the gaming industry”. Ss read aloud and take notes. 10’ Ask Ss for their opinion, listen to their comments. 5’ 3. Divide the group in teams and ask them to give you a summary using their notes and what they remember from last session about; • Game Designer • Programmer • Animator • Audio Engineer • Writer • Translator • Video Game Tester • Technical Support Specialist It will work better if you give each team two or three professional activities within the gaming industry, to summarize, and relate to the whole group to have the rest of the class take notes. 10’ 4. Show the video Aiming for work in the gaming industry for a listening activity. 5’ Link in the “recursos” column T, there is transcript of this video. Listen again and read the video at the same time. 5’ Link in the “recursos” column Clarify questions and help Ss with pronunciation. 5’

Transcript to the video Aiming for work in the video industry

Transcript to the video Aiming for work in the video industry

Cierre 00:05

T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

4213 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 6to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 35c
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información para elaborar un reporte sobre actividades relacionadas con una labor o profesión Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Enuncia nombres de oficios o profesiones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T say hello as you do following your regular routine. Bring Ss back to the information about gaming.

Desarrollo 00:40 Ask Ss if they know about women in the gaming industry. Listen to their answers. 5’ 3. Let Ss read the article 25 Awesome women in gaming. This article mentions 5 to 6 lines about each one of them. It works better if you divide the group in teams, and assign a couple of women to each team so they can relate the information to the whole group later on. Ss take notes. 15’ 4. T, there is a link to a resource for you in the “recursos” column, related to the structure of a report. 5. There is also a video which you can show to your Ss if they have the level and skill necessary to follow everything it says. T, watch the video and relate the information if you think that’ll work best for your Ss. T, please summarize all into: • Introduction • Body • Conclusion 6. T, have Ss read the Tutorial Paper Writing. 10’ 7. T, use the last 10’ of your session to relate the information Ss have gathered about gaming to the 3 points in a report. Tutorial. Paper Writing

Tutorial. Paper Writing

How do I structure a report.  Video

How do I structure a report. Video

Report Structure. Teacher’s resource

Report Structure. Teacher’s resource

25 Awesome women in gaming

25 Awesome women in gaming

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognize a sequence of activities by its illustrations. • Read aloud informational text where the activities of a profession are represented by images. • Relate information with that of an activity or profession. • Recognize the difference between the main and secondary ideas in a paragraph. • Name situations in which there are activity reports made. • Anticipate content by reading the title. • Identify and distinguish main and secondary ideas. • Complete sentences with the information corresponding to jobs and professions. • Order sentences according to a sequence of images. • Write the title of reports. • Structure of reports: introduction, development and conclusions. • Vocabulary. • Type of sentences. • Verbal tenses. • Verbal forms: passive voice.
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