Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

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3946 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 5to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 36a
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información sobre un tema para elaborar un cuestionario Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce propósito y destinatario de cuestionarios
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05

1. Say hello to the Ss and divide them into teams of 4 Ss. Give each of the teams 15 copies of one of the the survey they crafted last class.

Desarrollo 00:40

2. Explain to the Ss that they will have to go into the other classes and ask the T politely if they can interrupt his/her class for a few minutes to conduct a survey. Tell them to do the survey preferably in English but if it is necessary they can speak to the Ts and the Ss of other classes in Spanish. Note: It may be important to speak with the other Ts in advance to avoid misunderstandings of disrespect. Also ask the Ts for their help to organize their Ss, in case two teams visit the same group to make sure different Ss answer the questionnaire. Tell them the Ss they have 20 minutes to conduct the survey and come back into the classroom. Ss teams will probably have to go to several groups to complete the surveys of each team. 3. While the Ss are out, project a format that shows the questions and is adequate to collect and concentrate the answers of all the surveys. (You can do this in an excel that also calculates percentages and shows charts to make it more visual for the Ss) Once a team is back, ask them to start counting their answers and write down their concentrates in their notebooks. Then ask them to dictate them to you and feed them into the format. This whole process shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. 4. Once you have all the answers show the charts of the survey or work with each question. Ask the Ss to identify the most given answer, the least given. Try to elicit the meaning of that information. Ask the Ssif it is possible to make a graph and what are the advantages and disadvantages of a graph. Stimulate your Ss tospeak and learn new vocabulary.

Cierre 00:05

5. Ask the Ss if they fit into the majority, in what questions they do and in what ones they don’t. Say goodbye to the Ss. Note: If you are following our lesson plans, please read the Note in the “Desarrollo” section of the lesson plan S38a.

Evaluación • Check that the Ss got the right information. • Where they able to extract the information they were seeking? • Check that the analysis of the information is adequate.

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3947 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 5to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 36b
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información sobre un tema para elaborar un cuestionario Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce propósito y destinatario de cuestionarios
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05

1. Say hello to the Ss and ask them to sit down. Choose a subject from one of their other subjects.We are proposing: Our Solar System.

Desarrollo 00:40

2. Ask the Ss what the purpose of a study guide is. Have Ss read the document “How to make a sudy guide with Microsoft Word”. The link is in the “recursos” section. Ask the Ss how they can use a questionnaire in making a study guide and which kind of questions would be more useful. 3. Divide the group into teams and ask the Ss to come up with questions they would ask about the selected subject for a study guide. Tell them that they should use open and closed questions use all the question words and don’t worry if they know the answer for the question. Walk around checking that the Ss are indeed working on the guide and help them with any vocabulary or structure they may need, tell the Ss to stop. Now let the Ss pass up front and write the questions they came up with.Correct any spelling mistakes or grammar issues. If several groups thought of similar questions or even equal ones,have the group choose the one with the best phrasing. Help them in this area. You should come up with a questionnaire of around 20 to 25 questions on the subject, some with short answers and some with long answers. The questions needn’t be excessively hard, in fact they should have straightforward answers and easy enough to find on the web, on their book of Ciencias or intheir class notes of the subject. If Ss use their book and their notes, you need to help them with the translation to English. When all the questions are on the board ask the Ss to write them down in their notebooks in order and cleanly.

Cierre 00:05

4. Say goodbye to the Ss and remind them to bring their tablets and their questionnaires.

Evaluación • Check that the Ss understand the objective of a study guide and are able to make significant and useful questions. • Check that the Ss are able to make questions in every format they have learned throughout the module. • Verifystructures and spelling

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3948 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 5to grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 36c
Tema Leer y registrar información para elaborar cuestionarios y reportes
Competencia a desarrollar Registrar información sobre un tema para elaborar un cuestionario Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce propósito y destinatario de cuestionarios
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Say hello to the Ss. Tell them to bring outh their study guides.

Desarrollo 00:25 2. Divide them into teams of 3 to 4 Ss. Each team will answer the study guide by searching in their book, their notes and the internet for the answers. If Ss use their book and their notes, you need to help them with the translation to English. It is important that you stress to the Ss that while they can consult their notes, their book and Wikipedia they must consult at least 2 more sources, and that they have to write the answers in their own words and by hand in their notebooks. This is to avoid copy-paste-edit and to teach the Ss to search for information in a more correct way. In the “recursos” section we include some pages with information about the Solar System that can be useful. Remind the Ss that it is important that they write down the address of every site they consult, and to list it at the end of the questionnaire. The Ss must conduct their searches in English, so they should get mainly websites in that language. Helpthemwiththevocabularyiftheyneedit Solar system exploration

Solar system exploration

Our Solar System

Our Solar System

Solar system

Solar system

Cierre 00:20 After the time is over, start asking each team a question, and where they got it from. Ask the other teams if they have the same information or something different. Help the Ss by telling them the correct answer and write it on the board. Have the Ss copy it in their questionnaires. Say ggobye to the Ss.

Evaluación Were the Ss able to answer the questionnaires? • Did they consult appropriate sites? • Did they participate actively? • Did they produce an adequate study guide?
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