Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

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3395 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 30a
Tema Leer textos narrativos y reconocer expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos breves infantiles y apreciar expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica los componentes gráficos y textuales en libros de cuentos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:15

1. Tasks the Ss if they know another British classic legend. T listens to the Ss and at the end,T projects on a screen the video “Robin Hood (1960)”. It has no subtitles or any text on the screen, so it will be difficult, but this is a well known story. T says to the Ss that they need to make an effort to listen and understand. If there is enough time, T may show the film a second time.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood

Desarrollo 00:30

2. T projects the page with the story of “Robin Hood”on a screen or on the white board (the link is in the “recursos” section). T reads it. T has some Ss read different paragraphs. T asks the Ss if they know this legend and if they have seen some movie, TV show or cartoon about it. T listens to the Ss and asks them which of the stories they have read is settled in more ancient times and why they think so (King Arthur is settled in the 5th/6th century and Robin Hood in the 12th century). T asks Ss about the characters. Who is the main character and what they think about it. 3. T explains the use of capital letters in English. In English, you must capitalize: • the first word of a sentence or fragment • the name of a day or a month • the name of a language • a word expressing a connection with a place • the word expressing a connection with a place • a proper name • the name of a historical period • the name of a holiday • a significant religious term • the first word, and each significant word, of a title • the first word of a direct quotation which is a sentence • a brand name • a Roman numeral • the pronoun I 4. T organizes the Ss in pairs. T gives each pair the "Capitalization review worksheet". When the pairs finish, the whole class checks the answers.

Capitalization review

Capitalization review

Robin Hood prince of Thieves

Robin Hood prince of Thieves

Cierre 00:05

5. T clarifies doubts and answers questions that Ss pose. T and Ss say good bye.

Evaluación • T checks if Ss are able to explain what the punctuation marks are. • T checks if Ss understand when to use them. • T checks the correct pronunciation of the marks and their correct spelling.

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3396 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 30b
Tema Leer textos narrativos y reconocer expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos breves infantiles y apreciar expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica los componentes gráficos y textuales en libros de cuentos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. T projects the Robin Hood story on a screen and the whole group make a choral reading.

Desarrollo 00:40 2. T asks Sswhat they know about the punctuation marks. T displays the poster about punctuation (the link is in the “recursos” column) and explains the use of each punctuation mark and the differences between English and Spanish. T writes examples on the board. 3. In the media classroom, in pairs, Ss play “Help the Comma Chamaleon punctuate some sentences!”. T walks aroundthe room and answers any questions students may have. 3. T divides Ss into groups of four and distributes the “Robin Hood- punctuation worksheet”. Ss must rewrite the paragraph adding capital letters and correct punctuation. At the end, the whole class checks the paragraph. Robin Hood Punctuation

Robin Hood Punctuation

Chamaleon punctuate

Chamaleon punctuate

Punctuation poster

Punctuation poster

Cierre 00:05 4. To finish the class, Tasks the Ss to write a short paragraph about Robin Hood and illustrate it.

Evaluación • T checks if Ss are able to say what the punctuation marks are. • T checks if Ss understand how and when to use them. • T checks if Ssknow some traditions of different English speaking countries.

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3397 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 30c
Tema Leer textos narrativos y reconocer expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos breves infantiles y apreciar expresiones culturales propias de los países en que se habla lengua inglesa Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica los componentes gráficos y textuales en libros de cuentos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. T reminds Ss that during the previous classes they read British stories, but today they will know a story about an American legend. T asks Ss what they know aboutThanksgiving and records their answers on the board.

Desarrollo 00:30 2. T shows the video “The Story of Thanksgiving” to Sson a screenor the whiteboard in front of the class. The link is in the “recursos” section T asks a few questions to be sure Ss understand the story. 3. The whole class compares what they have said about Thanksgiving and the story narratedin the video. T explains to Ss that the Thanksgiving story is a mix of historical facts and legends and it is a very important US American festivity. 4. Ss works in pairs to solve the "For Thanksgiving: Add the nouns and adjectives" worksheet (the link is in the "recursos" section. T explains that there are different solutions, and Ss cancreate humorous sentences. For Thanksgiving: Add the nouns and adjetives

For Thanksgiving: Add the nouns and adjetives

The story of Thanksgiving

The story of Thanksgiving

Cierre 00:15 4 T organizes the Ss in groups of 3 or 4. T hands out the worksheet “The Wild Turkey”(a copy per student). T reads the text aloud. T asks the Ss if this text is fiction or nonfiction. T clarifies any vocabulary words, pronunciations, or terms the group may not already know or understand well. Each group reads it and solves the questionnaire. The whole class checks the answers. The wild turkey

The wild turkey

Evaluación • T checks if Ssareable to comprehend a text. • T checks if Ss are able to distinguish fiction and nonfiction. • T checks the correct pronunciation of the words and the correct spelling. • T checks if Ss are able to work in a team. • T checks if Ssknow some traditions of different English speaking countries.
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