Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

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3656 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 39a
Tema Describir y compartir información del lugar donde se vive
Competencia a desarrollar Entender y registrar información sobre localidades que hay en el lugar donde se vive Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce localidades por su nombre
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ask Ss to take out their homework from last session.

Desarrollo 00:40 2. Ss talk about their maps and the natural places they’ll add in their neighborhood. 10’ T, make sure to pick up all the maps from the Ss. 3. Follow with a How to read a map song. Link in the “recursos” column. The song last about 3’ however make sure to stop and have Ss repeat some words as well as clarify any questions they might have. Allow 10’for this activity. 4. T, it is time for a worksheet activity. 10’ Link in the “recursos” column. 5. Now a directions listening activity. Link in the “recursos” column. 5’ Using the compass Rose from the listening activity, choose a few Ss and ask the class to give them directions on how to get to …. You decide the place, for example the white board/ desk/ teacher’s chair/ Principals office/ cafeteria etc. 5’ how to read a map song mpg

how to read a map song mpg

. Use a compass Rose listening activity

. Use a compass Rose listening activity

My compass Rose worksheet

My compass Rose worksheet

Cierre 00:05 6. T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación • Recognize the purpose of maps. • Understand the difference between graphs and text. • Recognize locations by name; ranch, borough and county, etc. • Point at names from reading. • Complete questions. • Respond to questions to offer information about the community following a model. • Classify words according to semantics. • Locate names of cities in maps. • Sentence composition. • Differences between mother tongue and English. • Value and preserve the natural areas of the place we live in. • Appreciate team work.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

3657 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 39b
Tema Describir y compartir información del lugar donde se vive
Competencia a desarrollar Entender y registrar información sobre localidades que hay en el lugar donde se vive Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce localidades por su nombre
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Today the class starts with a video where Ss can listen and read at the same time. Allow 10’ for this activity since you’ll be stopping the video to talk about vocabulary and have Ss repeat some of the vocabulary words. Link in the “recursos” column

Desarrollo 00:40 2. T, consult the Create a 3D Town page to be able to print all the templates to create a 3D Town with your class. Link in the “recursos” column You’ll need construction paper to download the templates of the buildings. There are 7 buildings. Print at least 2 tall buildings and 10 houses. The map is divided into 16 pages for a total of 23 pages. Cut out all buildings before giving them to Ss to save time. Ss use adhesive tape to join the parts of the town map together; they will need help with the adhesive tape to join all pieces together. 10’ This activity works best if you divide the group in 3 teams so at the end you’ll have three towns in your class. Ss will have to glue or tape all buildings together after they color them. 20’ This session your Ss will do as many houses as possible. The rest of the buildings will be finished next session. T, Print Lego people for Ss to have one each, and give each other directions on how to get from place “A” to place “B” around town next session when the town is finished. Link in the “recursos” column. Make your own Lego printable figure-cards

Make your own Lego printable figure-cards

There’s a Map on my Lap video

There’s a Map on my Lap video

Cierre 00:05 3. T, say goodbye with your regular routine. Ask them to bring little toy cars and real Lego people if they have any.

Evaluación • Recognize the purpose of maps. • Understand the difference between graphs and text. • Recognize locations by name; ranch, borough and county, etc. • Point at names from reading. • Complete questions. • Respond to questions to offer information about the community following a model. • Classify words according to semantics. • Locate names of cities in maps. • Sentence composition. • Differences between mother tongue and English. • Value and preserve the natural areas of the place we live in. • Appreciate team work.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

3658 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque V Semana 39c
Tema Describir y compartir información del lugar donde se vive
Competencia a desarrollar Entender y registrar información sobre localidades que hay en el lugar donde se vive Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce localidades por su nombre
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:15 1. T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ask Ss if they brought any real Lego people to use with their map. Today Ss will finish their town maps.

Desarrollo 00:40 2. Ss finish constructing the town maps. 20’ to finish coloring and putting the buildings and map together. T, I’m adding a traffic sign worksheet for Ss to glue on popsicle sticks and place in soda caps to set around their town map. Cut signs and have them ready for Ss to glue and set around town. 10’ When maps are finished Ss take one of the printed Lego man cards and give each other instructions on how to get from point “A” to point “B” 10’ Ss are free to use their cars or real Lego people if they brought any. 3. T, I’m including a Link in the “recursos” column to a Flat Stanley page where you’ll be able to read about Flat Stanley. For the purpose of these sessions Flat Stanley will travel to Ss houses and perhaps to the surroundings, store, post office, park etc. 4. There is also a link to a the story book so you can visit the page and project or print the book to be ready to read it to Ss during the next session. The book contains 19 pages. 5. Finally there is a link to a letter which is sent to the parents in your group. 6. Read and adapt the text of the letter to let parents know Ss will have to fulfill the requirements of the project which are: • Ss will have to take Stanley around their homes or neighborhood and write a letter describing what Flat Stanley visits. • If it is possible Ss parents will take pictures of Flat Stanley visiting; if not, Ss will draw one or two places Flat Stanley visits. • The letter will be addressed to their peers specifically to the S who seats next to him/ her. Flat Stanley letter to parents.

Flat Stanley letter to parents.

Flat Stanley story pdf

Flat Stanley story pdf

Print and Play traffic signs

Print and Play traffic signs

Cierre 00:05 7. Tell Ss they’ll continue working with their maps next session. T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación • Recognize the purpose of maps. • Understand the difference between graphs and text. • Recognize locations by name; ranch, borough and county, etc. • Point at names from reading. • Complete questions. • Respond to questions to offer information about the community following a model. • Classify words according to semantics. • Locate names of cities in maps. • Sentence composition. • Differences between mother tongue and English. • Value and preserve the natural areas of the place we live in. • Appreciate team work.
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