Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

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2971 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32a
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Show Ss the video story of “Monsters shopping trip”. 3’ Have vocabulary words such as the following written on letter size construction paper, just words: • Birthday • Shopping • Monster • House • Camera • Chocolates • Shorts • Big Ben • Train • Computer • Shop • Tie • Song • Cake • Big • Box • Party • Surprise Divide the group on teams (4teams recommended) and give each team a set of words. Play the video story again and tell Ss they need to raise the card with the word written on it every time they hear it in the story.5’ Do it again, this time stop the video and re tell the phrase before the word, for example: • a handsome green monster. • He lives in a small house • Hairy Henry’s birthday • What about a camera • A big box of chocolates • A new pair of shorts • Let’s go shopping • Hairy Henry’s cousin Bing Ben • What a lot of computers and games • A very smart shop • Happy birthday song • The biggest most monster cake they could find • They put it in a box Mimic and help Ss anticipate the word, when they find the right word they’ll shout it for the whole class to hear; the team with the corresponding card will show it to the group. 15’ Give Ss the worksheet Tell the story “Fishing”. Link in the “recursos” column. Have them write a story paying attention to words written with upper and lower case as well as word order vocabulary and sequencing. 15’ T, make sure you collect all the worksheets Ss work on for the end of the sessions project. Tell the story: Fishing

Tell the story: Fishing

Monsters shopping trip/ BBC English kids

Monsters shopping trip/ BBC English kids

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words, sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2972 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32b
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ask Ss if they have ever had trouble sleeping. Why? T, you might get some free Styrofoam from furniture and appliances stores, sometimes they through it away after they get the merchandise out of their boxes to display them in the stores. Ss will pin their trees on the Styrofoam sheet for the class to see at the end of our sessions.

Desarrollo 00:40 Play the video “The Princess and the pea”. 5’ Give Ss pg 12 from the “Stupendous Story Elements” from plan week 31, session 2. Have them write their own solution to the problem in this story. They can illustrate it as a homework assignment. 10’ T, I’m including a resource for you to use in this session. Link in the “recursos” column. From the Tree of books, have leaves cut out and ready. Have Ss write the title of the books they’ve read in their sessions so far, on the leaves. Each S will have a personal tree. 10’ T, write the titles of the books on the board. Ss will also write the name of their favorite character. The name of their favorite setting. 10’ Ss write their favorite words from the books they read. 5’ The Princess and the pea video

The Princess and the pea video

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine. Tell Ss they’ll continuo with their trees and a poster during the next session.

Evaluación Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words, sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2973 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32c
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Let Ss know today we’ll finish our book trees and a poster.

Desarrollo 00:40 Give Ss a cut out trunk and its branches so they glue them on a piece of construction paper. They need to put their name on it. Have Ss glue the leaves where they wrote the information last session on their trees. When they finish they’ll pin their trees on the Styrofoam sheet. Now choosing from the worksheets they did during the last sessions decorate their poster paper. Ss will have to rewrite on the poster paper any sentences if necessary as well as drawing to illustrate any specific point if needed. Hang the finish product in the classroom and request permission to show their work in other parts of the school as well.

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words, sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.
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