Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

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2962 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 29a
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ask Ss who likes books? Wait for the group answer. Ask Ss if they know the names of the parts of a book.

Desarrollo 00:40 Most Ss don’t know the names of the parts of a book. Project the worksheet Parts of a book description or show the printed version of it. 5’ Take the library book and holding it higher than normal point at each one of the parts of the book and say their name aloud. Repeat. 5’ Holding the book high again, point at each part of it and now solicit the name of each part from the Ss. Repeat. 5’ Hand out the parts of a book labeling activity worksheet for Ss to fill out and color. 15’ Now talk about the care a person should have with books. Solicit comments from Ss. 5’ Project the Ways to take care of books or show the printed page. There are five sentences on the worksheet. Read aloud and comment with Ss. 5’ Parts of a book  labeling activity

Parts of a book labeling activity

Parts of a book; description

Parts of a book; description

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine. T, make sure you collect all the worksheets Ss work on for the end of the sessions project.

Evaluación • Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words,sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2963 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 29b
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Ask Ss if they remember the different Ways of take care of books from the last session.

Desarrollo 00:40 Write the five sentences from the worksheet on the board. Read them aloud. Mimic the words you read. 5’ • Don’t write in your book! • Don’t get your book wet! • Keep away from babies andpets! • Keep your books in a safeplace! • Don’t eat or drink whenyou’re reading a book! Have Ss write these sentences on a piece of paper. 10’ Show the video taking care of books. Please note the video has no sound. Ask Ss to watch in silence; this will allow Ss to go over the rules in their mains and get them ready for the next speaking activity. 5’ Ask Ss to work in pairs and tell each other how they take care of books, especially books borrowed from the library. 5’ Show Ss the Stone soup book, and have everyone getting comfortable so you can read it for them. T, there is a link to download the book in the “recursos” column. I suggest you read it and paraphrase the text as you pretend to read because it is a long story and your Ss language abilities might not be such as to understand the whole book. If you feel it will be OK for them that you read it all, feel free to do so. Make sure to point at the book cover, back, title, etc. 15’ World Food Programme/Teacher’s activities/ Stone soup book.

World Food Programme/Teacher’s activities/ Stone soup book.

.    Taking care of books Video.

. Taking care of books Video.

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine. Let Ss know there will be comments about the book in the next session. T, make sure you collect all the worksheets Ss work on for the end of the sessions project.

Evaluación • Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words, sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2964 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 29c
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Leer cuentos y narraciones y conectarlos con experiencias propias Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Show the Stone soup book to the Ss. T, don’t forget to use different color markers for the question words, marks and emphasize word order.

Desarrollo 00:40 Ask Ss to remember the story from the book you read last session. T, please use the questions presented on the book, pg 11. You’ll find them below: • Extraordinary or what? The three smooth round stones in this story had an extraordinary effect on the town’s people. • Do you think that the stones really did have extraordinary powers? T, ask this question orally. Ss respond raising their hand. 5’ What do you think happened to them at the end of the feast? T, starting from here write all six questions on the board. This question is still part of the fiction part of the session. Allow Ss to let their imaginations fly. 5’ True story • What’s the most memorable meal you’ve ever had? • Where was it? • Who cooked it? • Who shared it with you? • Why was it so special? Read the questions aloud back to the Ss. 10’ Divide the group in teams so Ss can talk about their personal experiences while answering these questions. 10’ Have Ss write down the questions from the True story section. 10’

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine. T, make sure you collect all the worksheets Ss work on for the end of the sessions project.

Evaluación • Explore a children’s book. • Use of previous knowledge to predict theme, purpose and receiver. • Identify cover, back and index of a book. • Identify text and illustrations. • Follow the reading aloud of a book. • Identify words with the help of a dictionary. • Identify beginning and end. • Mimic actions; sleep, eat, walk. • Find similarities and differences between their own actions and those shown in the book. • Identify words written with capital letters. • Complete with one or more words, sentences which talk about own actions and those of a character. • Know theme, sender and receiver. • Structure of a text, beginning middle and end. • Vocabulary needed for this language social practice. • Upper and lower case letters. • Show appreciation for cultural manifestations and for those of others. • Respect and value personal emotions. • Recognize the social function of tales and stories.
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