Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

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2956 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 27a
Tema Ofrecer y recibir información de uno mismo y de otros
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y registrar información sobre datos y pasatiempos personales y de otros Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Tell Ss they are going to start with a computer game. Link in the “recursos” column.

Desarrollo 00:40 This game is a memory game for listening and reading to identify sound and text. 5’ Ask Ss to take out their“Which activities do you like doing” they did for homework. Review the worksheet. This will give your Ss an opportunity to freely speak about their hobbies. Give this activity 10’ T, bring out the Bingo cards and play a game. This time, choosing random Ss to spell the name an activity. 10’ Continue with a computer game. This is sports related and will also provide the opportunity to review pronunciation and will allow Ss to identify text with sound. 10’ Pick up theWhich activities do you like doing worksheet from your Ss. Make sure to have all the worksheets related to interviews Ss have worked with so far. 5’ Hobbies, activities sound memory game

Hobbies, activities sound memory game

About me, self introduction.eslgamesworld

About me, self introduction.eslgamesworld

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognizes new vocabulary and clarifies it’s meaning with the use of a bilingual dictionary. • Identifies age, first and last names of people. • Recognize names of hobbies. • To listen and understand information about personal data and hobbies. • Identify similitude and differences between questions and answers. • To respond with yes, no answers. • Word order of questions. • Identify question words. • Point at personal data. • Purpose; theme and receiver. • Ordinal numbers. • Necessary vocabulary for this social language activity. • Sentence construction. • Responsible useof own and other’spersonal information. • Value the differences between own culture and the culture of others.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2957 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 27b
Tema Ofrecer y recibir información de uno mismo y de otros
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y registrar información sobre datos y pasatiempos personales y de otros Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine. Tell Ss, they’ll start by playing a game of BoardFootball since that sport is one of the most popular sports to pass time Ss in general like.

Desarrollo 00:40 T, divide the group in teams; have one board game per team. T, each S throws the dice and according to the number S moves. S needs to answer the question to be able to move ahead. This should not take more than 10’. T, you choose the questions according to whatever you want to practice or work with during this time. When Ss have finished, have them play a computer memory game. 5’ Using the information collected from the Which activities do you like doing worksheet, explain Ss how to use the information about sports and hobbies and illustrate a Venn Diagram. This will give Ss the opportunity to see the similitude between people who like for example: two different kinds of sports finding that both are played outside. Use this to talk about the differences in preferences and how it is important to respect those differences among people. The worksheet presented shows very easy examples. This activity will provide you with an opportunity to check pronunciation, oral expression, word order, understanding of the vocabulary reviewed during these sessions; and cultural awareness for the sport or hobby of preference for each S.15’ Play another Football Board Game using questions from the explanation of the Venn Diagram. 10’ Reading Venn Diagram Hobbies

Reading Venn Diagram Hobbies

Sports vocabulary memory game

Sports vocabulary memory game

Football Board Game

Football Board Game

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine.

Evaluación Recognizes new vocabulary and clarifies it’s meaning with the use of a bilingual dictionary. • Identifies age, first and last names of people. • Recognize names of hobbies. • To listen and understand information about personal data and hobbies. • Identify similitude and differences between questions and answers. • To respond with yes, no answers. • Word order of questions. • Identify question words. • Point at personal data. • Purpose; theme and receiver. • Ordinal numbers. • Necessary vocabulary for this social language activity. • Sentence construction. • Responsible use of own and other’s personal information. • Value the differences between own culture and the culture of others.

Compartida por: Diana Schreckenberger

0 votos

2958 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 27c
Tema Ofrecer y recibir información de uno mismo y de otros
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y registrar información sobre datos y pasatiempos personales y de otros Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Reconoce información sobre datos personales y pasatiempos propios y de otros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 T, say hello as you do following your regular routine.

Desarrollo 00:40 Tell Ss they’ll start by having a Bingo game. 5’ T, this Bingo game is to refresh their memory and prepare Ss for the next activity (computer game) which involves question and answer recognition as well as vocabulary and filling in the blanks sentences. After the Bingo game tell Ss they’ll play a computer game. Link in the “recursos” column.10’ T, have ready a printed set of Sports Flashcards. Link in the “recursos” column, click on sports flashcards, badminton to volleyball. There are 14 cards, show them to the Ss one by one and ask them to raise their had if they like the sport. Do not say the name of the sport, ask Ss to read it aloud from the card. 5’ Write the following questions on the board using the name of the sport you want to ask about: 1. How many people like only ________? 2. How many people like only ________? 3. How many people like__________ and like _____________? 4. How many people like _______and _______? 5. How many people like all three sports? Ask Ss to draw a Venn Diagram with the information resulting from the previous questions. 10’ Bring out all the survey and homework worksheets Ss have done so far. Have Ss separate the information from all the worksheets: How many people like/ do/ play/ collect/ etc.10’ .    Sports Flashcards Badminton to Volleyball.

. Sports Flashcards Badminton to Volleyball.

Cierre 00:05 T, say goodbye with your regular routine. Tell Ss they’ll learn another way to document the information gathered from the worksheetsduring the next session.

Evaluación • Recognizes new vocabulary and clarifies it’s meaning with the use of a bilingual dictionary. • Identifies age, first and last names of people. • Recognize names of hobbies. • To listen and understand information about personal data and hobbies. • Identify similitude and differences between questions and answers. • To respond with yes, no answers. • Word order of questions. • Identify question words. • Point at personal data. • Purpose; theme and receiver. • Ordinal numbers. • Necessary vocabulary for this social language activity. • Sentence construction. • Responsible use of own and other’s personal information. • Value the differences between own culture and the culture of others.
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