Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

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3539 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32a
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Entender cuentos y narraciones y relacionarlos con experiencias personales Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica escritura y enunciación del nombre propio y el de varios compañeros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:10 1. T greets the Ss and tells them that they are going to sing“Bingo the Dog”. Bingo, super simple songs

Bingo, super simple songs

Desarrollo 00:35 2. Ss complete the two worksheets about “Three Little Pigs”. T monitors Ss and then reviews the worksheets with the whole class. 3. T tells Ss that they are going to write their own story. T sits Ss in a circle and says the first sentence of the story of “Bingo the Dog” (notnecessarily the song's lyrics). Then T asks a student: “What do you think will happen next?” and writes down the sentence on the board. The routine continues until each S has said a sentence (a part of the story). Three Little Pigs worksheets

Three Little Pigs worksheets

Cierre 00:05 4. The whole class reads aloud the story written in the board. T and Ss say goodbye.

Evaluación T checks how much Ss know about books. • T checks vocabulary words that the Ss have learned from a reading. • T checks the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary words.

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3540 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32b
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Entender cuentos y narraciones y relacionarlos con experiencias personales Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica escritura y enunciación del nombre propio y el de varios compañeros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:10 1. T greets the Ss and tells them that they are going to sing“Bingo the dog”. T asks the Ss if they have pets and what kind of pet they have. Bingo, super simple songs

Bingo, super simple songs

Desarrollo 00:35 T writes the following words on the board: fin, claw, feather, scale, fur, whiskers, paw. T makes sure the children understand each word. T asks the Ss: Think about a dog. Does a dog have fins? Does a dog have claws? Does a dog have feathers? Etc. When T has finished filling the answers for a dog, she/he asks about a cat, a fish, a bird. T distributes copies of the activity sheet “A Special Thing About Me” and asks the children to select one of the animals they have discussed to complete the sheet. T invites the Ss to share their pictures with the class. A special thing about me

A special thing about me

Cierre 00:05 T extends the activity by retunrning to the topic of dogs and asking the Ss about a specific kind of dog. What can theysayaboutthatkind of dog? A special thing about me

A special thing about me

Evaluación T checks how much Ss know about animals as characters in children stories. • T checks vocabulary words that the Ss have learned from a reading. • T checks the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary words.

Compartida por: Ignacio de Lucas

0 votos

3541 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque IV Semana 32c
Tema Participar en la lectura de narraciones literarias y compartir experiencias propias
Competencia a desarrollar Entender cuentos y narraciones y relacionarlos con experiencias personales Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Identifica escritura y enunciación del nombre propio y el de varios compañeros
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:10 1. T says hello to the Ss. They sing “Bingo the dog”. Bingo, super simple songs

Bingo, super simple songs

Desarrollo 00:35 2. T places on the desk all the vocabulary picture cards they have used in the past 8 weeks. T describes some and explains the importance of including some details that help to distinguich each object from others. T has each S pick one card to write about without telling anyone what it is. T explains to S that their descriptions should be detailed (e.g. it is an animal, it has four, it is brown, it has paws,…) Ssshould use the words they know. When Ss are done, T has each S read his description aloud and the rest of the class tries to guess which object is about.

Cierre 00:05 Ss and T clean up and sing and dance the Goodbye Song for Children. Goodbye song for children

Goodbye song for children

Evaluación T checks how much Ss know about books. • T checks vocabulary words that the Ss have learned from a reading. • T checks the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary words.
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