A recipe format for students to write a Mexican recipe
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1. Use the beam projector to show the activity.
2. This is a very simple recipe that children can follow.
3. Show the activity and ask students what recipe this is and how similar it is to the recipe of ‘torta de jamón’ they did in the last session (week 39 session 3)
4. Read the ingredients and the instructions with the students. Help with vocabulary as needed.
5. Draw students’ attention towards the sequencers (first, then, next, finally) and talk about what they do when you are describing a process.
6. Use some of the recipes students were presented with in this unit (week 39 sessions 1-3) to write their recipe or encourage them to think of a simple one.
7. Ask students to copy the format in their notebooks and complete the activity.
8. Monitor and offer help as needed.
9. Have students read their recipes to the class.
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