A vocabulary activity for students to work with some riddles
Sugerencia de uso
1. Use the beam projector to show the activity.
2. This is a collection of descriptions or riddles for students to guess.
3. Decide if you want to show only the pictures of fruits and cover the list of descriptions for you to read.
4. Read the 12 descriptions, slowly, with good rhythm and intonation, and give students some ‘thinking time’ to get their answers.
5. Make corrections at the moment and make sure students understand the description well.
6. Do not take a lot of class time to present the only vocabulary, try the activity like a game, and help with vocabulary as needed.
7. When all the fruits have been identified, ask students to describe the fruits you point at.
8. Show the activity and ask students to choose three fruits and their descriptions and write them down. Depending on the type of class you have, you may want to dictate such descriptions.
9. Ask students to work in pairs and challenge each other by reading and guessing the fruits you chose.
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