Returning a shirt

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Sugerido por Silvia Raya | 28 de Septiembre de 2020
Secundaria > 4to período escolar (12 a 15 años) > Inglés
Trabajo en equipo
Actividad Aplicación Ejercicios, práctica

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

A video for students to listen to a dialog about returning a shirt

Sugerencia de uso

1. Use the beam projector to show the video.

2. Ask students what the possible causes for returning a shirt are.

3. Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant.

4. The video has also subtitles, Decide what's best for your class and play it.

5. Ask some questions, " What's the problem with the shirt? Who bought it? when did the person buy it? Why does the shop assistant need the receipt? Is it possible to have a refund?

6. Invite students to role-play the conversation.

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Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Interpreta sentido general, ideas principales y detalles de quejas.

Silvia Raya Silvia

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