Getting the mesages in letters

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Sugerido por Silvia Raya | 11 de Agosto de 2020
Primaria > 3er período escolar (9 a 12 años) > Inglés
Trabajo individual y en equipo
Actividad Aplicación Ejercicios, práctica

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

An activity for students to practice reading letters describing personal experiences

Sugerencia de uso

1. Download the file and make copies for students.

2. Review with students the different  reason or writing letters.

3. Distribute the worksheet and tell students these are three letters for them to read.

4.  When they finish reading, they need to classify the letters by choosing the right answers about who wrote the letters.

5. Monitor the activity and offer help with grammar and vocabulary as needed.

6. Ask students to sit in pairs and compare their answers, as well, as finding the key that led them to those answers.

7. Ask students these questions, a) Who are these letters to?  b) what are they about?  C) compare the style of the letters.

8. Invite pairs of volunteers to share their answers and have a  discussion with the class.

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Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Interpreta experiencias personales en cartas.

Silvia Raya Silvia

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