A worksheet for students to practice identifying ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ in sentences using ‘would like’
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1. Download the file and make copies for students.
2. Ask students how many different ways of asking for something they know. Elicit ‘Can I borrow____? And ‘May I borrow___?’ and what the difference between them is.
3. Tell students they are going to practice another form of asking for something, ‘Would like’.
4. Distribute the worksheet and draw students’ attention towards the boxes that show examples of ‘would like’ + noun / +verb until they notice that this is a ‘different’ way to say ‘want’.
5. Ask students to complete the sentences with these forms. Monitor and offer help as needed.
6. Invite students to check their answers in pairs and then, invite them to share their answers for other pairs to reconfirm answers.
7. Have some volunteers to read aloud the mini-dialogues 2,8,10,12.
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