A worksheet for students to identify the main idea in headlines
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1. Download the file and make copies for students.
2. Review what a headline is (mini-sentences that succinctly express the angle or perspective of the article.) and define “main idea”:
— a 4-8 word statement.
— the most important thought
— a generalization that’s first in rank or importance
— the principal view
3. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to identify the topic (Super Bowl).
4. Monitor the activity and offer help as needed. You may prepare a glossary ( 5-8 new words) beforehand for students to help them work with the headlines.
4. Ask students to work in pairs and find the main ideas in the 6 headlines.
5. Invite pairs of students to sit with another pair and talk about the main ideas. If there were differences, have a general discussion with the class.
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