A video for students to review “WH_” words to practice with classified ads
Sugerencia de uso
1. Use the beam projector to show the video.
2. Ask students what type of questions these are, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, WHO and HOW ___? (information questions, WH_questions) and in case it is necessary, review what they mean .
3. Ask students to think of a toy they would like to sell in their classroom and what possible questions their classmates would ask about it. Just a few questions are ok (since they will work on them later in the session).
4. Tell students they are going to watch a video to review how we make questions with WH_ words.
5. Pause the video and make comments about it, paraphrase, and help with new vocabulary as needed.
6. Invite students to work in pairs and write 6 WH_ questions about a toy advertised ( a video game, for example) using the 6 WH_ words in the video.
7. Finally, invite students to read their questions to the class and make corrections if necessary.
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