A video that offers a catchy animation narrated by two children about traffic signs and what they mean.
Sugerencia de uso
1. Use a beam projector to show the video.
2. This video takes about 7 minutes so it is going to be divided into two parts. The first part was used in the previous session, so work with the second part in this session.
3. Invite students to work in groups of three and have their notebooks and colored pencils ready for the activity.
4. Review the signs students worked with, in the previous session.
5. Play the video and make pauses to ask students to describe the signs in terms of color and shape.
6. Ask students to discuss in their groups how they could group the signs,( by color? By shape? by meaning? etc)
7. Ask students to draw the signs in their notebooks in the corresponding groups they decided on.
8. Play the video again and ask students to draw the signs in their notebooks
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