A TV show where teens are presented with opportunities for volunteering for students to understand the importance of it in society
Sugerencia de uso
1. Use the beam projector to show the video.
2. Tell the class this is a clip from a TV show where a teacher is interviewed about the volunteering programs in her community and how much teens can help.
3. Invite students to work in pairs and write three questions about what they expect to hear in this interview and two more questions they would like to ask the teacher as if they were the presenters.
4. Monitor the activity and help with grammar and vocabulary as needed.
5. Invite students to read their questions to other pairs and see if they are the same or different.
6. Play the video and pause it several times so students can confirm if their questions were asked.
7. Tell students to read the questions they would like to ask the teacher in the show and say if they were asked or not.
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