Being polite song

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Sugerido por Silvia Raya | 18 de Junio de 2020
Primaria > 2do período escolar (6 a 9 años) > Inglés
Trabajo individual y en equipo
Ejercicios, práctica

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

A song with a nice melody for students to practice how important it is to be polite and use the right expressions

Sugerencia de uso

1. Use a beam projector to show the video (song)

2. Ask students what the magic words are in English/ Spanish (thank you, please, etc,)

3. Tell students they are going to learn a song about ‘Being polite’.

4. Play the video and make pauses for students to get the song lyrics.

5. Make sure everybody understands the song and invite them to read the lyrics.

6. Invite students to work in pairs and decide on some moves to go with the song.

7. Play the song and invite students to sing and dance along.

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Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Revisa intercambios de saludos, despedidas y muestras de cortesía en diálogos breves.

Silvia Raya Silvia

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