Suspense in literature

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Sugerido por Sylvia Benitez Dávila | 28 de Agosto de 2015
Secundaria > 4to período escolar (12 a 15 años) > Inglés

Trabajo individual y en equipo
Actividad Artículo Ejercicios, práctica Multimedia Video

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

Concept, elements and activities about suspense

Sugerencia de uso

1. Show the video How Authors Create Suspense. As there are no subtitles, the teacher can answer the questions students have when they ask him to do so.

2. After the projection, ask the students:

• Which are the three techniques to create suspense mentioned in the video?

• Can you describe each one of them?( Delaying the answer to a question, Slowing down at a moment of intensity, Using dramatic irony)

• Can you give an example of each technique in a story you know?

3. Show the fragment of the video you can see freely in this page. It is enough to explain another technic to create suspense. The transcription is below the video screen, so you can follow the text. After the projection, ask the students:

• How can you describe the Verbal Cues technique to create suspense?

• What is the verbal cue in the example of the video?

• Can you give another example?

4. Show the Elements of suspense presentation. It´s a Prezi presentation that repeat some of the elements that we saw at the videos but gives more details. It contains also a short video from the Goonies movie. 

• Ask the students to explain what is a “Near Miss”.

5. As a homework, make a synoptic table of the elements and techniques for creating suspense. Use the three used materials to complete it. 


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Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés

Sylvia  Benítez Sylvia

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