Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18566 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 28 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión lúdica Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Adivina y formula hipótesis sobre sucesos pasados.
Aprendizaje Esperado Formula hipótesis para adivinar enigmas que explican sucesos pasados.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files for the activities suggested in the MED section and make copies for students.TIn the first activity, they are going to work in groups of 3 and each group needs a copy of the worksheet.

2.  Explain that the students are going to discuss and answer questions about their classmates using past and present modal verbs of deduction.

3. Write on the board what modals  they are and how they combine to refer to the past (+ HAVE + pp)

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 71-86.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. You may want to demonstrate the activity by reading the first question to the class,

i.e. 'You see a classmate chatting on their phone. Who is it?'

5. Elicit possible answers to the question using past and present modal verbs of deduction. Have the students justify their answers.

·       Examples:

·       It could be Luis as he is always using his phone.

·       It can’t have been me, because I turn my phone off before class.

·       It might have been Mary because she loves chatting.


6. The groups then discuss each question in turn on the worksheet and base their answers on what they know about their classmates.

7. Each group then comes to a consensus and writes down the name of one student. When everyone has finished, go through each question and elicit an answer from each group along with a justification. Ask the named people if they agree that it could be or could have been them and ask if the justification is valid. If yes, the groups that named the person score one point.

8. The group with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner

Who is it?

Who is it?

Cierre 00:15

9. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to identify the characters on it.

10. Tell students to think of 4 possible past situations to go with the 4 pictures and to think of a possible line that shows deductions (might have/ could have)

11. Give students time to think about the situation and offer help with the organization of the ideas.

12. Students need to write a short paragraph to describe the situation, then, think of the line to write in the speech bubble. For example, in “Einsteins’ picture”, he is being interviewed about his theory of relativity. Einstein has a very bad memory and when he is asked about how he got to that conclusion and his famous formula he replies, “ Mmmhh. I don’t remember, it could have been the caffeine…” It is meant to be a joke, something funny. Discuss that with the class.

13. Monitor the activity.

14.Ask students to read their captions to the class and wait for reactions.

Funny captions

Funny captions

Evalúa Complete the phrase, " Modals of deduction to refer to a past event are,------------" a) MAY HAVE and COULD HAVE b) CAN and WILL c) MIGHT and MAY HAVE d) WILL and WOULD

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18567 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 28 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión lúdica Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Adivina y formula hipótesis sobre sucesos pasados.
Aprendizaje Esperado Formula hipótesis para adivinar enigmas que explican sucesos pasados.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files for the activities suggested in the MED section and make copies for students. For the first activity, you may want to give each student a case so consider the number of copies you are going to need. Cut the cards beforehand.

2. Tell students they are going to read the unsolved mystery you are going to hand out for them to read.

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 71-86.

Desarrollo 00:25

3. Give the cards at random and give students time to ask questions about vocabulary, for example.

4. Set a time limit and monitor the activity.

5. When time is up, ask students to mingle and find someone who has the same story.

6. Ask students to speculate and make deductions about what could have happened.

7. Challenge students to come up with a big number of deductions.

8. Invite pairs of students to find another pair who has the same story and once, again, talk about their deductions and speculations.

Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries

Cierre 00:15

9. Distribute the worksheets.

10. Draw students’ attention towards the box and talk about the modals and how they combine to make deductions in past.

11. Most importantly, talk about the % of probability with each one as presented in the box to the right.

12. Ask students to read the question on the left and find the matching sentences below, but warn them that 5 circles don’t match.

13. Monitor the activity and this time do not give them any feedback yet. Make students make sense of the context and work on their critical thinking skills.

14. Check answers with the class.

15. If you make corrections, guide students through the thinking process and find clues to show that answers in (obviously) not correct because …….

16. Ask students to write down 5 sentences using different modals of probability.

Modals of probability

Modals of probability

Evalúa When you say, "Luis must have been watching Tv by the time everything happened..." what does 'must have' tell you? a) that it's 95% sure something was possible b) that maybe it happened. c) that it's 50% sure something was possible. d) that it didn't happen.

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18568 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 28 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión lúdica Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Adivina y formula hipótesis sobre sucesos pasados.
Aprendizaje Esperado Formula hipótesis para adivinar enigmas que explican sucesos pasados.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files for the activities suggested in the MED section and make copies for students. For the first activity, every student gets a card so make the copies you need depending on the size of your class.

2. Review how modals in past and elicit some examples from students.

3. Tell students they are going to work with deductions and speculations with the next two activities.

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 71-86.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Students are each given a card from the game and asked to read their own clues. The cards are numbered and students should try to talk to as many people as possible with different cards. Once everyone has spoken to at least five people you can end the task.

5. Model the activity,

  • A: “A man is uncomfortable and walking slowly.”
  • B: “He might have hurt his leg.”
  • A: “He is holding his stomach.”
  • B: “He might have been punched.”
  • A: “He spent a lot of money at a restaurant.”
  • B: “He must have eaten a lot.”
  • A: “Yes, he must have had a very big lunch.”


6. Ask students to mingle, taking turns in reading their clues to a partner. After each clue, they should give their partner time to think of a suitable sentence.

7. Monitor the activity and help as needed.

8. These are other suggestions taken from the original file,

Rather than a mingle you could also use these cards in small groups, where one player takes a card, reads out the clues, and the group works together to think of possible sentences. This is less demanding on individuals but allows some students to let others take the lead instead of thinking of answers for themselves.

After either task students are asked to remember sentences which people said when they were guessing what was on their card and write them down. Feedback in pairs and then as a class, asking students to say which sentences they think were the best.

Past modals of deduction

Past modals of deduction

Pág. 4
Cierre 00:15

9. There are 8 situations to work with and they are doubled on the page so consider the total number of copies you need depending on the size of your class.

10. Cut up strips and have them ready for the session.

11. Put the strips in a box or container and ask students to draw one, read it, and think of a possible sentence to go with it using a 'must-have' 'could have' etc., explanation.

12. Ask students to mingle, find a classmate with a different problem than theirs and read the problem to him/her, and ask for a possible sentence.

13. Students then, read the sentences they wrote and compare them to the ones suggested by his/her classmate.

14. For a second round, students chose another problem or situation and read it as well to suggest what could have happened (must have, could have, etc.), and this time they mingle and find someone who has the same problem to discuss their sentences or deductions and speculations.

Possibility in the past

Possibility in the past

Evalúa Choose the sentence that expresses speculation, a) Marcos could have eaten half the pizza. He was left alone in the house and he was very hungry so.... b) We didn't have anything for lunch. c) My teacher may have a big opportunity as the Principal. d) I could go if I wanted.
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