Compartida por: Silvia Raya

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18329 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 21 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión literaria Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Lee poemas.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comprende sentido general, ideas principales y algunos detalles.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files suggested in the MED section and make copies for students.

2. In this session, students are going to go over some poetry terms in order to analyze a poem. These activities are going to give students extra practice in understanding the general sense and main ideas of a poem.

3. Ask students to give you as many different words related to poetry and make a list on the board.

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 25-40.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to read the 6 boxes with information about the most common terms related to poetry.

5. Help with vocabulary and discuss with students the examples.

6. Ask students to work in pairs and write 2 examples of each type to share with the class.

7. Monitor and offer help as needed.

8. Ask pairs of students to come to the board and write their examples to make a class list.

9.Revise the examples and make corrections if necessary. Then, ask students to copy those to have a class list.

Poetry terms

Poetry terms

Cierre 00:15

10. Ask students to find a poem in their textbook and read it with them. You may as well have a different poem ready to present to the class and work with it.

11. Distribute the worksheet and read the 7 questions about how to analyze a poem. Drive students to notice the words in bold.

12. Ask students to answer the questions and monitor offering help as needed.

13. Ask students to work in pairs and read their answers to their classmates. 

14. Have a class discussion with the answers and comments of the students about their poems.

Analyzing poetry

Analyzing poetry

Evalúa Some poetry terms are, ________________. a) metaphor, rhyme, personification b) poems, spelling, punctuation c) rhyme, poets, spelling d) personification, poets, extra sounds

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18330 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 21 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión literaria Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Lee poemas.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comprende sentido general, ideas principales y algunos detalles.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files suggested in the MED section for the activities for this session.

2. In this session, students are going to practice identifying terms, and working with the general sense and main ideas in the poem. The poems I chose for you to use here are by Shakespeare, due to the fact that he is the most representative author in the English language, however, the intention of this is not to spend long hours looking up words but giving students the experience of using a sonnet to explore.

3. Talk to students about the works of William Shakespeare. He also wrote poetry, sonnets.

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 25-40.

Desarrollo 00:25

4.Review what a sonnet is and complete the first paragraph about it.

5. Read the sonnet for students and make pauses to make comments and answer questions students may have.

6. Ask some students to read the sonnet a second time before they answer the questions.

7. Ask students to answer the questions and offer help as needed.

8. Have a class discussion about the sonnet using students' answers.

Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare

Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare

Cierre 00:15

9. Continue working with "sonnets" and make sure students know what type of poem that is.

10. Distribute the poem and tell students to check out the number of the sonnet that is.

11.Read the sonnet for students and help with vocabulary as needed.

12. Ask students to identify the rhyming scheme in it.

13. Monitor and offer help as needed.

14. Check the answers with the class.

15. Ask students to work in pairs and answer the questions about the sonnet.

Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare

Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare

Evalúa Complete the definition, " A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line is a ______." a) sonnet b) Shakespeare's style c) British poetry d) popular poems

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18331 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 21 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Expresión literaria Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Lee poemas.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comprende sentido general, ideas principales y algunos detalles.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show students the video of the poem suggested in the MED section.  Download the file to make copies for students for the second activity.

2. Tell students they are going to watch the video of a famous poem to discuss in class. Remind students of the importance of knowing how to read a poem and how to identify its general sense and main ideas.

3. Ask students to pay attention to the animation of the poem which shows the topic of the poem.

Beats 3 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 25-40.

Desarrollo 00:25


4. Ask students to listen to the video first and then they will copy it in their notebooks.

5. Play the video and do not make pauses. The poem is shown on the screen.

6. Answer these questions about the poem,  What are all the things the child sees on climbing up the cherry tree? 
a). Which lines in the poem suggest the river reflects the sky.
b)  Why does the child poet wish for a ‘higher tree’?
c) What kind of place does the child imagine in the last stanza? Why?

7. Play the video again but without sound this time for students to read it.

"Foreign Lands" : a poem

"Foreign Lands" : a poem

Cierre 00:15

8. Tell students they are going to review some general ideas about poetry and will answer some questions to discuss.

9. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to answer individually,

10. Monitor and offer help as needed. In case students need more examples or help, they can also go to their textbook and read in the corresponding unit.

11. Ask students to work in groups of three and have a general discussion about poetry suing their answers.

Poetry Warm-up

Poetry Warm-up

Evalúa Read thee words taken from a poem and choose the ones that rhyme, road- ground -shout - shoe- slow- around a) ground- around- shout b) road - around- slow c) slow - shout- road d) shoe-shout-slow
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