Compartida por: Silvia Raya

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18172 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 18 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados al entorno Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Acuerda con otros un itinerario de viaje.
Aprendizaje Esperado Construye argumentos para defender ideas y propuestas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the file and make copies of the suggested activity in MED.

2. Ask students if they have ever been to a travel agency and can describe it.

3. Discuss with the class how attractive the posters travel agencies display are. Ask students why it is so.

Beats 1 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, et al. México, 2021, pp. 123-138.

Desarrollo 00:25

4.  This activity is to be done in pairs so print page A for half the class and page B for the second half.

5. Distribute the worksheets and ask students to sit together so they can read and discuss their work. There are to find 8 differences between their ads.

6. Monitor the activity and help as necessary.

7. Make sure students are reading and using English in the activity.

8. Choose pairs of students to share their answers with the class and clarify any doubts regarding comprehension, grammar, and /or vocabulary.

9. Ask students to discuss the last question in the worksheet, Decide together which one place they want to travel to the most.



Cierre 00:15

10. Use the copies from the previous activity: TRAVEL ADS.

11. Ask students to work in groups because they are going to discuss a vacation in Mexico.

12. Tell students to focus on the list that says “ Choose any of our summer special travels” and following the same format, write about three states in Mexico. They have to consider the prices, as well.

13. Ask them to discuss first what information they want to use since it is a couple of lines only. Encourage students to use their traveling experiences to any states for the activity.

14. Monitor and offer help as needed.

15. Invite students to share with the class their ‘travel specials’

Travel in Mexico

Travel in Mexico

Evalúa If you read this sentence, "Don't miss the "Castillo de Chapultepec" in the middle of one of the most beautiful parks in Mexico City...." what do you think it means? a) They highly recommend to vitit 'El Castillo...'. b) They do not recommend to go to 'El Castillo..' c) They don't like 'El Castillo..' d) they suggest you visit other places but 'El Castillo..'

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18166 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 18 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados al entorno Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Acuerda con otros un itinerario de viaje.
Aprendizaje Esperado Construye argumentos para defender ideas y propuestas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the file and make copies of the files suggested in MED.

2. Ask the question, “What do you think about to travel on holiday? Is it a good idea?” and ask students to raise their hands to show in favor.

3. Discuss briefly the pros and cons of such a plan.

Beats 1 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, et al. México, 2021, pp. 123-138.

Desarrollo 00:25

4 Distribute the worksheet and ask students to complete the paragraph with the missing information from the box.

5. Help with grammar and vocabulary as needed but try not to give them the answers.

6. Ask students to read their answers and correct on the way, give short explanations if necessary, and make sure they understood the opinions.



Cierre 00:15

7. This is the second part of the previous activity. Students are now going to write the pros and cons of traveling on holiday according to the opinions given in the previous exercise where they got to read and work with vocabulary.

8. Students need the worksheet they used earlier.

9. Monitor the activity and offer help as needed with the writing of the statements.

10. Ask students to sit in groups of three with their lists to compare.

11. When they have finished, ask them to write their own pros and cons about the same topic and record them in the same organizer.

Traveling on holiday

Traveling on holiday

Evalúa Compare arguments about a trip, for example means. a) to highlight the similarities between two people or things. b) to include examples of what the situation could be c) to fight about an opinion d) to talk about the differences in opinions

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18167 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo II Semana 18 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados al entorno Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Acuerda con otros un itinerario de viaje.
Aprendizaje Esperado Construye argumentos para defender ideas y propuestas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the file and make copies for students.

2. Tell students how easy / difficult it is to reach an agreement with someone who has a different opinion from ours.

3. Ask students to think of common situations at home or school where arguments have to be discussed to convince people of something.

4. This activity is going to help students practice agreeing and disagreeing.

Beats 1 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, et al. México, 2021, pp. 123-138.

Desarrollo 00:25

5. Draw the students' attention to the box at the bottom of the worksheet.

6. Go through how to agree and disagree with positive and negative statements using the examples on the worksheet.

47 Tell the students to complete the statements on their worksheet with information that is true for them.

8. When the students have completed their sentences, ask them to pair up with another student.

9. The first student begins by reading statement number one to their partner.

10. Their partner reacts by agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, paying attention to whether the statement is positive or negative.

The first student then continues to read each statement in turn and their partner agrees or disagrees.


A: Last weekend, I went to the park.

B: Really? So did I.

A: My favourite kind of music is hip hop.

B: Mine isn't.

When they have finished, the students swap roles.

8. When everyone has finished, have the pairs report back to theclass on their areas of agreement.

Areas of agreement

Areas of agreement

Cierre 00:15

11. Tell students they are going to work in groups and discuss ways to travel. Distribute the visual organizer.

12. Review means of transportation with them and the expression ‘How to travel/get to “

13. Ask students to discuss a vacation to another country and the different ways to travel there. They need to propose and discuss so they can write the pros and cons of such a trip but find something in common about them.

14. Monitor and offer help as needed.

15. Invite students to share their Venn Diagrams with another pair and say if they think the same way.

Agreeing and disagreeing : vacations

Agreeing and disagreeing : vacations

Evalúa When somebody has a different opinion, view, etc. than someone or something, the person a) disagrees with-----. b) agrees with---- c) is in favor of d) doesn't disagree with----
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