Compartida por: Silvia Raya
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16124 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 5to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3 | Sesión | 1 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Intercambia expresiones para organizar reuniones. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Asume el rol de interlocutor en un intercambio. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam project ready to show the interactive activity suggested activities in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section as well as the file printed for the next activity. The answers come in the same file for you. 2. Tell students how they are usually invited to a party, what expressions are used. You can compare English-Spanish in terms of culture. 3. Ask students how many expressions they have learned about accepting / rejecting an invitation. |
Beats 5 Primary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 10-19. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Project this exercise (There are more exercises previous to this one, decide on those, however, it is suggested that you work with this one )and ask students to work in pairs so they can discuss and decide on the correct answers 5.They need to read the conversation and then decide which option (A-D) for each question is the correct one to fill-in the five blanks. 6. Ask students to read first the text and help with grammar and vocabulary as needed. When they are finished, scroll down and show the next exercise from where they will have to choose the answers. 7. Tell students they can write down their answers while you go back to the above text and they confirm their answers. 8. Write down the answers students give and click the get score button to see the correct answers and how many you got correct. |
![]() Happy birthday conversation
Cierre | 00:15 | 9. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to look at the pictures in order to name the objects and complete the puzzle. 10. Help with vocabulary if necessary but encourage students to remember and guess the words. 11. Set a time limit and monitor. When time is up, ask students to exchange their worksheets with other students and check answers. 12. Ask students to put their worksheet face down on their desks and do picture dictation with them, choose 5 words and ‘dictate them’ for them to draw. Check pictures (answers) by asking students to show their papers. |
![]() Parties vocabulary
Evalúa | In this conversation, Jaime is inviting Cristina to his party. Complete with the missing expressions. Jaime: Hi, Cris! I’m ________a Valentine’s party on Saturday. _____you like to come? a) having / Would b) have / Can c) buying / Would d) dance / Will |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
1 voto
16125 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 5to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3 | Sesión | 2 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Intercambia expresiones para organizar reuniones. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Asume el rol de interlocutor en un intercambio. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam projector ready to show the activity Download suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section and make photocopies for students of the file suggested for the second activity. 2. Ask students to turn to their right and invite that student to a party. Then turn to their left and try a different expression. 3. Tell students they are going to review making suggestions by choosing the best option for each one of the 10 sentences. |
Beats 5 Primary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 10-19. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Choose 10 students to come to the front and answer the sentences, or you may choose students at random to answer the exercises. You click on the arrow, the read and they choose the answer. 5. Click the get ‘done’ button to see how well they did. 6. Invite students you are going to take them to the zoo / a movie and need some suggestions. Write them on the board and discuss how effective those are and why. |
![]() Making suggestions
Cierre | 00:15 | 7. Distribute the word search and read the words with/ for them and work with vocabulary. Tell students this is a good vocabulary to talk about a picnic or organize one. 8. Ask students to work in pairs , make groups of words, (‘food’, ‘objects’, ‘drinks’ etc. ) in pairs and encourage them to decide on what kind of groups. Try not to suggest anything except for ‘food’. 9. Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary. 10. Invite students to tell the class how many different words they classified the words into and which ones they are. 11. Compare those groups to the others the rest of the class did. 12. Ask students to do the word search as fast as they can, individually and compare answers with another student. |
![]() Picnic
Evalúa | One of these sentences is NOT a suggestion, a) I want to eat pizza. b) Let’s go to a movie. c) How about buying presents for the students? d) Why don’t we invite Luis , too? |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
16126 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 5to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3 | Sesión | 3 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Intercambia expresiones para organizar reuniones. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Asume el rol de interlocutor en un intercambio. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | Which sentence is a suggestion to a party,
a) I’ll bring something to eat, chips, for example. b) What time is your party? c) Is it your birthday? d) Do you need chips for the party? |
Beats 5 Primary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 10-19. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 5. Play the video (it takes 2 minutes) and tell students they can also read the lines because there are speech bubbles. Make sure they can follow the conversation and help with grammar and vocabulary as needed. 6. When the conversation finishes, ask students to practice it but in a very fun way: they will play the part of Makayla by reading her lines which will be shown in speech bubbles. Play the first couple of lines and rehearse with students. 7. Ask students to work in pairs and choose volunteers to read both of them the lines. You can have different pairs read a couple of lines and change to another pair. Help with rhythm and intonations as needed. 8. If time allows, continue with the speaking practice which turns into more challenging now. Invite volunteers to say Makayla´s lines by completing the expression which misses letters. 9. It is recommended that students work with, at least, one exercise on comprehension, we suggest ‘TRUE-FALSE’. 10. Invite students to discuss in groups what they would do in that situation. |
![]() Who to invite
Cierre | 00:15 | 11. Ask students how they would organize a Halloween party, that is, what type of decorations they would use, what type of disguises, food, etc. 12. Ask students to read the words arranged in alphabetical order and see if the words they needed for the answers are there. 13. Invite students to do the word search and when they finish they need to work in pairs and write a short paragrapgh (3 to 4 sentence-long) using some of the words in the activity. 5. Invite students to share their paragraphs with the class. |
![]() A Halloween party
Evalúa | Which sentence is a suggestion to a party, a) I’ll bring something to eat, chips, for example. b) What time is your party? c) Is it your birthday? d) Do you need chips for the party? |