Compartida por: Silvia Raya
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17481 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 4to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 11 | Sesión | 1 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a información de uno mismo y de otros | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Comparte y compara experiencias personales. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Interpreta experiencias personales en cartas. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam projector ready to show the activities suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section, download the file and make copies for students to use with the second activity. 2. Have a couple of envelopes ready to show to students. 3. Tell students there are 3 basic elements to include when addressing an envelope and they are going to learn that in the video. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Ask students to draw an envelope in their notebooks and label the parts along with the video. 5. Ask students to copy the examples given in the video so they can practice how to address the envelope. 6. Play the rest of the video and then, ask students to make up an address in the USA. 7. Invite students to read aloud their envelopes by using these expressions, ‘This letter goes to______, or I wrote this letter to my friend___’ 8. Ask students to use their own words and talk about how to address an envelope. |
![]() How to address an envelope
Cierre | 00:15 | 9. Tell students to imagine they wrote a letter to their favorite singer. Ask students who that one would be. 10. That letter needs to be sent by mail so they need to put it in an envelope. 11. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to cut and fold the envelope. Then, they need to address it. 12. Ask students to imagine the address, or even better, to play with the words of the songs this famous singer and make one up. 13. Monitor and offer help as needed. 14. Invite students to exchange their envelopes with other students so they can practice reading envelopes. |
![]() Make an envelope
Evalúa | Complete the sentence, “The return address is ________________.” a) your address if you sent the letter. b) not important to send the letter. c) information d) my friend’s address who will receive the letter. |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
17482 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 4to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 11 | Sesión | 2 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a información de uno mismo y de otros | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Comparte y compara experiencias personales. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Interpreta experiencias personales en cartas. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Download the files suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section and make copies for students. 2. Review with students the different reasons people have for writing letters. 3. Ask students how they imagine the ‘trip’ of a letter is starting with the reason to write a letter and ending with your friend receiving the letter.
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Distribute the worksheet and tell students these are three letters for them to read. 5. When they finish reading, they need to classify the letters by choosing the right answers about who wrote the letters. 6. Monitor the activity and offer help with grammar and vocabulary as needed. 7. Ask students to sit in pairs and compare their answers, as well, as finding the key that led them to those answers. 8. Ask students these questions, a) Who are these letters to? b) what are they about? C) compare the style of the letters. 9. Invite pairs of volunteers to share their answers and have a discussion with the class. |
![]() Getting the mesages in letters
Cierre | 00:15 | 10. Tell students this is the second part of the activity they started working with the previous session. 11. Review what the letters were about and what the situation in Smalltown is. 12- Distribute the worksheet, ‘Something unusual has been going on in Smalltown’. Kirsty made some quick notes about what happened when she met a time-travelling alien from the 22nd century. Tell students to imagine what these notes might say, and ask students to write them down. 13. Ask students to work in pairs and monitor the activity. 14. Invite pairs of volunteers share their notes (phrases and or sentences) and ask the class to listen carefully so you can all have a discussion on the situation. 15. Remind students there are no right or wrong answers, it is only their participation and enthusiasm that matters. 16. There’s an extra page with another activity for students to do if you consider it may help. You may print it as well and give it as homework.
![]() A letter format
Evalúa | Read this excerpt of a letter, and answer the question, What are the reasons Jonas had for writing the letter; Dear Granpa, Thank you very much for the money you sent me for my birthday. I am going to buy my favorite anime. I love these Japanese stories very much. I invited some friends some school and my cousins and mom baked me a cake. We also had burgers and French fries. It was delicious! I am sorry you couldn’t come, Love Jonas a) Thanking his Granpa and telling him about his birthday party. b) Saying hi to his grandfather. c) Thanking his Grandpa and telling him he loves him. d) Telling him about the food for his birthday party . |