Compartida por: Silvia Raya
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16066 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 4to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 1 | Sesión | 1 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Inquietudes en un diálogo. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora diálogos que expresan inquietudes. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the video suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section ready to show it to students and download the file suggested as well for the next activity. 2. Ask students what situations make them feel worried at home, for example, and ask them if they can identify why they feel that way. 3. Invite students to talk about those situations and suggest it is important to talk about it with someone. (You may give students the opportunity to express themselves in Spanish and then help them in English with the new expressions). |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Play the video and show the first part of it, “When I am feeling worried,…” and discuss what happens physically. 5. Continue with “What makes me feel worried? and help with vocabulary as needed. 6. Finish with “When I am feeling worried, I can…” and invite students to tell you what they do when they feel worried. 7. Draw two columns on the board and write the headline SCHOOL on one and HOME on the other. Then, invite students to tell you what they are worried about at school and at home and come to the board and write it in the corresponding column. |
![]() When I am feeling worried.
Cierre | 00:15 | 8. Distribute the worksheet and ask student how many of those words they know and use. 9. Read the words and help with vocabulary as needed. 10. Ask students how many of those words use the verb TO BE, i.e. I am scared. 11. Set a time limit for students to finish with the activity and in case they need more time give them 5 more minutes. 12. Invite students to exchange their worksheets with another student and check answers. 13. Ask students to separate ‘adjectives’ form ‘nouns’. You may also consider give them an example and offer help as needed. |
![]() Emotions and feelings
Evalúa | Complete the dialog, Teacher: What’s ____ _____? Mary: I am ______. I have a problem at home. a) the matter / worried b) this Mary / a students c) the matter / happy d) that / at school |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
16067 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 4to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 1 | Sesión | 2 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Inquietudes en un diálogo. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora diálogos que expresan inquietudes. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam projector ready to show students the video and activity suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales”. 2. Tell students they are going to learn different ways to express worries in conversation. 3. Ask them what expressions they know, i.e., I’m worried. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Play the video and ask students to make a list of the expressions they see in the video divided into: QUESTIONS / I’M / I FEEL. 5. Consider making some pauses so you can give students time to copy. 6. When the video finishes, ask students to sit in pairs and write 3 original sentences using the questions and the answers from the list. 7. Help with grammar and vocabulary as needed. 8. Invite pairs of students to read their questions and ask them to another pair. 9. Comment on how many different ways to answer they practiced. |
![]() How to express worry or concern in English
Cierre | 00:15 | 10. Write on the board, ADJECTIVES: _ed vs. _ing and show the title, ‘I’m bored, not boring’. Ask students if they can tell the difference. 11. Show the boxes on the interactive activity explaining the difference and ask students to copy them using the same colors if possible. 12. Give some other examples, ‘excited-exciting’, ‘interested, interesting’, etc. 13. Have some volunteers answer the exercises by taking turns but before that, show how each sentence has a box for them to click on and choose the answer. 14. Draw students’ attention to the words in red at the end of each sentence and explain to students these words are ‘verbs’ from which we can form adjectives. 15. Help with vocabulary as needed. 16. Ask the class to copy 5 sentences out of the 20 we have on this interactive worksheet and practice them in pairs. |
Evalúa | Complete the sentence, “Adjectives ending in _____, for example, _____describe a particular feeling. a) _ED / bored b) _ING / writing c) _ED / boring d)_ING / big |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
16068 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 4to grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 1 | Sesión | 3 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Familiar y comunitario | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Intercambios asociados a propósitos específicos | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Inquietudes en un diálogo. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora diálogos que expresan inquietudes. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam projector ready to show students the worksheet suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” and download the file suggested as well for the next activity. 2. You can choose to project the interactive worksheet or make copies for students. 3. Ask students this question, ‘Are you interested or interesting in mystery stories?’ and wait for reactions. Then, write on the board the answer and underline ‘interested’. Give another example, “The history class is interesting.” And ask them ‘or interested?’ 4. Review the difference as seen in the previous class.
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 5. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to read the information, “In the example barking is a participle form of the verb to bark. It is functioning as an adjective by modifying the noun dog (barking dog). Then, comment that participles usually end in -ing or -ed, (but sometimes end in -d, -n, -t, -ed, -en, or –ne”) 6. Invite students to work in pairs, circle the participle in the sentence below and write the word it modifies in the blank under the sentence. 7. Monitor and offer help as needed. 8. Invite pairs of students to check their answers with another pair and make corrections as needed. |
![]() Participles as adjectives
Cierre | 00:15 | 9. Tell students this is a ‘quiz’ where they will check if they can tell the difference between adjectives ending in _ed and in _ing. 10. Distribute the quiz and ask students to work on the first column individually. Warn students they cannot touch the second column until you say so. 11. Set a time limit and when time is up, ask students to work in pairs, check their answers, and work together with the second column. 12. This time set a time limit shorter than the one you set for the first part of the activity. 13. Monitor and when time is up, ask students to exchange their quizzes with another pair and ‘grade’ them. |
![]() Participle adjectives quiz
Evalúa | CompIete the sentence, “ I’m very _____ because I studied many hours for English and the exam was ______. We didn’t understand much. a) tired / confusing b) tiring / confused c) tired / confused d) tiring / confusing |