Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18721 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 39 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Tratamiento de la información Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Localiza e incluye información en un gráfico.
Aprendizaje Esperado Lee y comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta de monografías ilustradas.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Download the files suggested in the MED section for activities 1 and 2 and make copies for students, or project activity 1 in the classroom, as you prefer.

2.  This is a long text for your young students, however, the purpose is not that they read it but they get some ideas and facts about the violin.

3. Ask students to describe a violin (elicit 'strings', colors, shapes, weight, etc) and which music groups use it (mariachis, orchestras, etc)

Desarrollo 00:25

4. If you project the page, ask students to find in the first paragraph the words that are similar to Spanish.

4. From that paragraph, give students some facts, i.e., “The violin has another name, fiddle.”, “The origin of the name ‘violin’ is ‘----".

5. Scroll down and fix 5 sentences about the violin that are easy for students to read, and remember.

6. Ask students to copy the sentences in their notebooks and read them with them again.

7. Write on the board the same sentences but scrambled and have students unscramble them but with their notebooks closed.

8. Ask students to draw a big violin in their notebooks and write some of the information they wrote within.

The violin

The violin

Cierre 00:15

9. Talk to students about the Australian Aborigines in a short and simple way, “They are an ethnical group that has lived in Australia for centuries…”

10. Present the name DIDGERIDOO.

11. Play the video and make pauses so you can comment with the class. The video is narrated with no subtitles, however, a good idea is to play it with no sound and make pauses, as recommended, paraphrasing the text that is given below,

  • ·       The didgeridoo is a sacred Australian Aborigine instrument that dates back more than 40,000 years.
  • ·       The didgeridoo is manufactured based on trunks hollowed out by termites. In Australia, there are thousands of termite mounds, and it is estimated that there are 20 million termites per hectare, tirelessly building great mountains of earth and clay.
  • ·       Termites burrow into trees, especially the eucalyptus, hollowing them out but not killing them.
  • ·       The men check the trees in the forest: if the termites have finished hollowing the wood out, the men will cut it down to make their valued instrument.
  • ·       They clean it, removing the bark, and with an iron bar heated in a fire, they finish emptying the inside of the bough. The Didgeridoo is ready.
  • ·       The musicians themselves are responsible for making and checking the sound of their instrument.

12. Narrate the video and talk about what they think about this instrument.

An Australian Instrument: Didgeridoo

An Australian Instrument: Didgeridoo

Evalúa Complete the sentence, "These are the three main families of musical intruments, ______________." a) wind, string, percussion b) big, heavy, string c) percussion, drums, pianos d) wind, string, orchestra

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18722 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 39 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Tratamiento de la información Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Localiza e incluye información en un gráfico.
Aprendizaje Esperado Lee y comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta de monografías ilustradas.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the pages suggested in the MED section. 

2. For the first activity there is a long text for your young students, however, the purpose is not that they read it but they get some ideas and facts about 7 instruments.

3. Ask students to write in their notebooks a list of 7 musical instruments they remember, not copied from their notes.

4. Tell students they are going to read a monograph about the origin of 7 musical instruments and maybe the ones they wrote are on that list so they need to check them.

Desarrollo 00:25

5. Show the big picture, the accordion, and ask students what instrument that is.

6. Scroll down and red ad the names of the 7 instruments. Then, ask students how many of those are in their lists.

7. Ask students what the names of those are in Spanish.

8. Ask students to draw pictures of the instruments as you present them but in the form of a mind map, that is, the picture in a circle in the center of the page with some arrows around it to write keywords.

9. Do not read the complete paragraphs, but mention some facts in a very simple form, with short sentences that you consider interesting.

10. Do the first instrument as an example on the board for them to copy.

11. Ask students to use their mind maps and talk about the 7 instruments in pairs using the key words

Cierre 00:15

12. This is a document for students to learn about the xylophone.

13. Scroll down and show the pictures of the xylophones.

14. Ask students to describe the pictures and help with vocabulary as needed.

15. Use some of the information in the article (monograph). Do not read the complete paragraphs, but mention some facts in a very simple form, with short sentences that you consider interesting.

16. Ask students to draw the picture of a xylophone in their notebooks and write three sentences

The xylophone

The xylophone

Evalúa Complete the definition, "A ________ is an instrument that makes a sound thanks to the vibration of air, for example, a trumpet." a) wind instrument b) trumpet family c) brass family d) string instrument

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

18723 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 39 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Tratamiento de la información Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Localiza e incluye información en un gráfico.
Aprendizaje Esperado Lee y comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta de monografías ilustradas.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the webpages about musical instruments suggested in the MED section.

2. The first activity is a document for students to learn about the guitar.

3. Ask students who play the guitar or are taking lessons.

4. Ask students to draw a guitar in their notebooks and decorate it, that is, give it a bright color, or draw crazy designs, etc.

Desarrollo 00:25

5. Project "The guitar" and scroll down and show the pictures of guitars.

6. Ask students to describe the pictures and help with vocabulary as needed.

7. Use some of the information in the article (monograph). Do not read the complete paragraphs, but mention some facts in a very simple form, with short sentences that you consider interesting.

8. Ask students to write three sentences about the instrument. around the guitar, they drew.

The guitar

The guitar

Cierre 00:15

9. This is a document for students to learn about the drums.

10. Project the page and scroll down and show the pictures of the drums.

11. Ask students to describe the pictures and help with vocabulary as needed.

12. Use some of the information in the article (monograph). Do not read the complete paragraphs, but mention some facts in a very simple form, with short sentences that you consider interesting.

13. Ask students to draw the picture of a drum in their notebooks and write only keywords about the instrument.

The drums

The drums

Evalúa Complete the sentence, "Percusion instruments are_______." a) drums and triangle. b) piano and drums c) triangle and guitar d) violin and tambourine.
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