Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

14993 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 34 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Interpretación y seguimiento de instrucciones Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Sigue y produce los pasos de un instructivo para elaborar un objeto.
Aprendizaje Esperado Participa en la escritura de un instructivo.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the story suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section.

2. Ask students if the’ve ever written instructions for making something either in English or Spanish.

3. Ask students how they can write instructions and make a list on the borad.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Project the video on how to write dialogues suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales”.

5. Ask students to copy the examples given in the video in their notebooks and make a summary of it.

6. Monitor the activity and offer help with grammar and vocabulary as needed.

7. Ask students to work in pairs and talk about the importance of writing accurate instructions.

Writing instructions

Writing instructions

Cierre 00:15

8. Use the beam projector to show the games suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales”.

9. Tell students they are going to review how imperatives are used in different contexts.

10. Play the first game and invite volunteers to take turns.

11. Play the second game and ask students to write some similar sentences to the ones in the games.



Evalúa When writing instructions, it is recommended to write, a) 1 action (imperative form) per step to keep it short and simple. b) 2 actions (imperative form) per step to keep it short and simple. c) 1 description of the step . d) 3 actions minimun to keep it short.

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

14994 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 34 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Interpretación y seguimiento de instrucciones Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Sigue y produce los pasos de un instructivo para elaborar un objeto.
Aprendizaje Esperado Participa en la escritura de un instructivo.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the activity  suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales”

2. Ask students how many uses of an empty yogurt cup they can think of.

3. Make a list of those objects on the board.


Desarrollo 00:25

4. Project the activity suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section and tell students this pencil holder is made with a yogurt cup.

5. Scroll down and show the list of materials.

6. Show the pictures one by one and ask students to try to remember the sequence of them in order to write the steps.

7. Ask students to form groups of three and talk about the order of the steps. Then, write the steps.

Diy pencil holder

Diy pencil holder

Cierre 00:15

8. Use the beam projector to show  the interactive activity.

9. Guide students through the worksheet and ask them to complete exercise 1.

10. Ask some other volunteers to answer the second exercise by clicking on the arrow  and choosing their answers.

11. Do same procedure with exercise three.

12. Finally, discuss with students  how imperatives function in a situation.



Evalúa When you write step by step instructions, a) Follow a logical progression. b) Do not follow a logical progression. c) Include examples d) Do not include photos

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

14995 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 3er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 34 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Académico y de formación
Actividad Comunicativa Interpretación y seguimiento de instrucciones Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Sigue y produce los pasos de un instructivo para elaborar un objeto.
Aprendizaje Esperado Participa en la escritura de un instructivo.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show video suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section.

2. Tell students they will watch a video of how to make a lantern.

3. Elicite what the uses of a lantern are. If students they don’t know what it is, explain.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Play the first part of the video but WITH NO SOUND where the title is shown: how to make a lantern.

5. Ask students to write down the instructions to this craft and number the steps.

6. Invite students to sit with two other students and compare their instructions. Then, put their sentences together and make only one list.

7. Finally, play the two games that come with the activity to reinforce the instructions written.

How to make a lantern

How to make a lantern

Cierre 00:15

8. Use the beam projector to show students the poster,Instruction Writing Checklist, suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales”.

9. Go over each one of the rubrics,  help with vocabulary as needed and ask students to copy them in their notebooks.

10. Ask students to use the previous activity, ‘How to make a lantern’ and this checklist to go over the instructions written and see if they include all these rubrics.

11. Finally, tell students to make any corrections on the instructions written and improve the version they previously did.


Evalúa Two important points if your checklist when writing instructions are, a) use short sentences and use the imperative mood. b) arrange your points in illogical order c) use the imperative mood and capital letters for the sentences. d) use short paragraphs and indicative mood
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