Compartida por: Silvia Raya
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18711 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 39 | Sesión | 1 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Tratamiento de la información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Registra información de un tema de Geografía con apoyo de una imagen. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Download the Powerpoint presentation suggested in the MED section and save it on your computer. It is only 7 slides and you can practice the vocabulary of different countries as well. As for the second activity, there's a file to download and make copies for students. 2. In this session, students will gain more practice working with maps in order to feel more confident and understand information from reading aloud. 3. Review continent, country, flags, etc. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Show the slides and make pauses after each one since there is a question to be answered, “Which continent/ country is shown….?” 5. Take the extra time to talk about Mexico and South America and talk to students about those countries. Give simple examples to make the information easy to remember, for example, "We are Mexican because we are from Mexico, our flag is---, etc. 6. Ask students to draw in their notebooks similar maps of North America, Central America, and South America with specific countries shown in yellow, like in the slides. 7. Ask students to work in groups of three and ask each other the question “Which country is shown…? |
![]() Maps of continents and countries
Cierre | 00:15 | 9. Continue with a vocabulary activity, to help with spelling. 10. Ask students what language we speak in Mexico and what money do we use (currency) and ask the same questions about the USA, Alaska, and Canada. 11. Distribute the word search, draw students’ attention towards the list of countries at the bottom of the page, and ask what they have in common (Spanish is spoken there) and which names look and sound similar to Spanish. 12. Set a time limit for students to search the words, when time is up, ask them to swap papers and complete their partners’ worksheet. 13. Check answers with the class and review where those countries are and what color their flags are |
![]() Spanish speaking countries
Evalúa | Complete the sentence, "Spanish is spoken in _____, and_____. a) Mexico and Perú b) the USA and Colombia c) Canada and Argentina d) the USA and Canada |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
18712 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 39 | Sesión | 2 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Tratamiento de la información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Registra información de un tema de Geografía con apoyo de una imagen. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1.Download the files suggested in the MED section, and make copies for students. This is a webpage that offers different maps, choose the South America map (color), but print it black and white, there’ no problem. We need the map with names. As for the second activity, students are going to work with vocabulary, unscrambling words. 2. Ask students where they are from and then, what nationality they have. Talk with students about the countries that speak Spanish and the country (countries) that doesn't (don't).
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 3. Distribute the maps. You may want to review the alphabet in order for students to spell the names of the countries they are going to work with. 4. Ask students to work in pairs, spell out a country, and ask their partners to point to it. 5. Still in pairs, ask students to choose two countries and write a short paragraph about them, capital, flag, language spoken. You may write on the board MEXICO: Mexico City / green, white, red (flag) / Spanish / (Mexican) Peso, and model the activity. For example, " The capital of MEXICO is Mexico City. I am Mexican. We speak Spanish. We use the Mexican peso". 6. Monitor and offer help as needed. 7. Ask two pairs of students to get together and read their paragraphs.
![]() South America
Cierre | 00:15 | 8. Distribute the worksheet and ask students what they are going to do (self-explanatory). 9. Draw their attention towards the list of 21 countries at the bottom of the page and ask students to classify them, N (in North America), C (in Central America), S (in South America). 10. Check answers with the class. 11. Set a short time limit for them to unscramble the countries, when time is up, ask them to work in pairs and set a second-time limit so they can finish the activity but now discussing answers. 12. Check the answers with the class. |
![]() Countries in America
Evalúa | Complete the sentence and unscramble these names of countries, " These two countries are NOT in North America, CODERUA and LICHE. a) Ecuador and Chile b) Colombia andChile c) Ecuador and Perú d) Colombia and Lima |
Compartida por: Silvia Raya
0 votos
18713 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 39 | Sesión | 3 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Tratamiento de la información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Registra información de un tema de Geografía con apoyo de una imagen. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Comprende información a partir de la lectura en voz alta. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:10 | 1. Have the beam projector ready to show the videos (songs) suggested in the MED section. 2. For this first activity, students are going to listen to a very catchy song to review and practice countries in Latin America in a very visual way. 3. Ask students to spell these countries for you, PERU / CANADA / BRAZIL / URUGUAY/ MEXICO, and tell students these countries are in Latinoamerica. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Play the song and ask students to listen and sing along since the chorus is short and easy to repeat. 5. Add some movements and gestures to go with the song. 6. You may want to pause the song right where the equator is presented and ask questions about the countries. 7. Play the song again and ask students to dance to the rhythm and clap to the beat. |
![]() Latin America song
Cierre | 00:15 | 8. This is a song for students to review and practice countries in Latin America using a soft melody in order to give students time to sing along since it is only the names of the countries. 9. Play the song and ask students to clap to the rhythm. 10. Ask students to write in their notebooks the names of the countries that start with the first 5 letters of the alphabet, A-B-C-D-E. Encourage them not to copy from their notes but try to remember. 11. Do the second group of countries with the letters, L,M,N,O,P and repeat the same procedure. 12. Ask students which countries from Latin America were not mentioned. 13. Play the song and invite students to join in singing. |
![]() The Americas
Evalúa | Complete the sentences, "These are two countries in North America, _____Central America,_____ and South America." a) the USA, Mexico / Costa Rica, Guatemala / Venezuela and Chile. b) Canada, Mexico / El Salvador, Colombia / Argentina and Mexico. c) Alaska, Guatemala / Costa Rica, Panamá / Venezuela and Guatemala. d) the USA, Mexico / El Salvador, Guatemala / Panamá amd Colombia |