Compartida por: Veronica Prieto
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15075 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 1er grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 33 | Sesión | 1 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Búsqueda y selección de información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Formula preguntas para obtener información sobre un tema de la naturaleza. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora materiales ilustrados acerca de seres vivos. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:05 | 1. Download the large and small flashcards suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section in advance. 2. If you find it useful, print in color and laminate the large flashcards and have them ready for the class or use a beam projector to show them to students. 3. Make photocopies of the small flashcards for each student too. There are 4 pages in total.
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 4. Show students each card individually and elicit name, colors and other characteristics each animal has. 5. Double check the meaning of the new vocabulary and write it on the board, especially adjectives used to describe. 6. Teach the vocabulary and play some TPR and speaking games as a group, for students to learn both the names of the animals and some of their characteristics. 7. Give away a set of the small flashcards for each student. Or if you prefer, you could have students work in small groups and print only as many sets as you have teams. 8. Review as a class the names of the animals by having volunteers read their names on the cards. 9. Have different students name some of the characteristics of the animals as a class. Make sure students know those are the same animals you showed them before. 10. Once students are in teams, ask them to use their cards to play bingo. 11. If you decided to give each student a set of cards, have students cut out the cards individually and play memory.
![]() Animals Mini Cards ![]() Animals Large Flashcards
Cierre | 00:20 | 12. Finally, walk around and monitor students’ work. As you are walking, ask students at random about the characteristics of some animals and make sure they know them.
Evalúa | Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to identify, characteristics of animals. • Students are able to activate previous knowledge of some living things. • Students are able to establish a relationship between images and writing. |
Compartida por: Veronica Prieto
0 votos
15076 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 1er grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 33 | Sesión | 2 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Búsqueda y selección de información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Formula preguntas para obtener información sobre un tema de la naturaleza. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora materiales ilustrados acerca de seres vivos. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:05 | 1. Download the file with the flashcards suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section in advance. 2. Print and make a photocopy only of the last page of this set of cards for each student.
Desarrollo | 00:35 | 3. Make sure you have the beam projector ready to show the new material to students. 4. Project the file and have students look, identify and name at the animals. Have students read the names or just say the names if they know them. 5. Then, focus students’ attention on the ecosystem they live in and teach some facts about each of them. 6. Have students observe some of the characteristics the animals have according to the ecosystem they live in. 7. Follow the same steps for all the different pages and ecosystems. If a student knows different or other special characteristics of an ecosystem or animal have them share it with all the class. 8. Once you finish introducing all the animals and the environments, ask students some questions for them to learn to classify the animals in their corresponding environment.
![]() Classification Sort Cards
Cierre | 00:10 | 9. Finally, give the photocopies away to each student and have them classify other animals in an environment of their choice.
Evalúa | Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to activate previous knowledge. • Students are able to explore illustrated materials about living beings. • Students are able to identify characteristics and graphical layout of charts to classify living beings. |
Compartida por: Veronica Prieto
0 votos
15077 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||||
Nivel escolar | Primaria | Grado escolar | 1er grado | Campo y Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | III | Semana | 33 | Sesión | 3 |
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje | Académico y de formación | ||||||||||
Actividad Comunicativa | Búsqueda y selección de información | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||||
Práctica Social del Lenguaje | Formula preguntas para obtener información sobre un tema de la naturaleza. | ||||||||||
Aprendizaje Esperado | Explora materiales ilustrados acerca de seres vivos. | ||||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Bibliografía | |||||||
Inicio | 00:05 | 1. Download the file and print the worksheet suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section, and make photocopies for each student.
Desarrollo | 00:30 | 2. Before you give students the photocopies away, write the different classifications of the animals from the worksheet on the board and explain them to students. Make sure students know the difference between the categories. 3. If possible, have students give some examples of animals for each category and write the name of the animal where it corresponds. 4. Give the photocopies away and read the title out loud. 5. Focus students’ attention on the animals at the bottom of the page and have volunteers say their names. 6. Have students complete the activity individually. Ask them to cut out the small cards with the animals and sort them in the correct category. 7. As students are working, walk around and help them if necessary. If you see students are struggling, ask them to work in pairs.
![]() Sort the animals
Cierre | 00:15 | 8. Finally, once students finish the activity, ask volunteers to come to the front and show their work to the rest of the class. 9. If you have some time available, have students tell you which animas are their favorite and which category they belong to.
Evalúa | Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to establish a relationship between graphic resources and writing. • Students are able to activate previous knowledge. • Students are able to learn more about interesting things. |