Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez
2 votos
5198 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||
Nivel escolar | Secundaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3a |
Tema | Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios | ||||||||
Competencia a desarrollar | Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto | Duración | 1 hora | ||||||
Aprendizaje esperado | Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas | ||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Página libro de texto | |||||
Inicio | 00:15 | As…as 1. Show the material about comparing two similar items. Students can read the text by turns. Explain the main concepts. 2. Find the activity at the end of the page and ask the students to solve the exercises by turns. There is a button in each item to check the answers. |
![]() Same as... quizes
Desarrollo | 00:35 | 3. Play the Moonshot game with the students. The game can be played in groups or individually. If there is a media classroom, each computer can be used by four students. If you project the game, form groups and the members of take turns to participate. 4. The game consists on answering questions about the Solar System. The questions have the comparative forms included. The first student that clicks on the button, answers the question. |
![]() Comparative-superlatives moonshot game
Cierre | 00:10 | 5. Print or send the worksheet to the students. They must write some sentences with the as…as pattern and send or deliver the work to the teacher. 6. Send the link of the comparative adjectives list to the students so they can know them and practice writing more sentences in the different patterns already studied. |
![]() Comparative superlative adjectives list ![]() worksheet
Evaluación | Assess students’ learning by: • The student reads and pays attention to the explanation text. • The student participates in the common activity and solves the exercise. • The student is able to play the game answering the questions correctly. • The student can create sentences with the as…as pattern. |
Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez
1 voto
5199 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||
Nivel escolar | Secundaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3b |
Tema | Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios | ||||||||
Competencia a desarrollar | Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto | Duración | 0 horas, 50 minutos | ||||||
Aprendizaje esperado | Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas | ||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Página libro de texto | |||||
Inicio | 00:15 | Planning the catalogue 1. Form groups to make the catalogues for the project. Each team must choose a product to sell and give the teacher the list of members and the title of the catalogue. |
Desarrollo | 00:25 | 2. Make a team meeting to review the proposed materials (and other they can find at the internet) and discuss the kind of catalog or booklet they will create, according to the chosen item. 3. Agree with the groups the following issues: • The products to sell and the number of them. • The design of the catalogue: materials, size, fonts, colors, images, etc. • The organization: who will do what • The description of the products must be done by all the students in the group, so divide the number of items between the members of the team. |
![]() Creative designs for making sales catalogs
Cierre | 00:10 | 4. Ask the students to write a work plan and give it to you. It must contain the title of the catalogue, the objectives and the steps to make the catalogue. 5. Give enough time for the teams to work. The catalogues will be presented at the final session of this project. |
Evaluación | Assess students’ learning by: • The students discuss their ideas in order. • The students write a project plan with the right specifications. • The students participate with respect in the team works. • The final product of this session is the project plan. It must be clear and well written, according to the level of the group. |
Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez
1 voto
5200 | Planeación Interactiva de educación básica | ||||||||
Nivel escolar | Secundaria | Grado escolar | 2do grado | Asignatura | Inglés | Bloque | I | Semana | 3c |
Tema | Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios | ||||||||
Competencia a desarrollar | Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto | Duración | 1 hora | ||||||
Aprendizaje esperado | Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas | ||||||||
Etapas | Tiempo sugerido | Secuencia didáctica | MED | Página libro de texto | |||||
Inicio | 00:15 | Describing products 1. Show to the students the interactive activity. The whole class solve it. 2. Ask the students to check in the dictionary the meaning of the adjectives found in this activity. |
![]() Steve Job´s presentation of the Ipad
Desarrollo | 00:35 | 3. Show the web page Describing products phrases and listen to the audio to learn the correct pronunciation. 4. Form groups and ask them to search for the best adjectives to describe the products in the catalogue they are working on. |
![]() Steve Job´s presentation of the Ipad
Cierre | 00:10 | 5. Ask the students to write the list of the adjectives and their meanings, in order to create a glossary for the catalogue. 6. Show the video about the Ipad introduction. Ask the students to listen carefully to it at home and try to understand the general ideas about what an Ipad is, what apps we can use in it and how it works. 7. Ask them to write a brief summary and send it to you. They may begin it: An Ipad is a very useful device… |
![]() Steve Job´s presentation of the Ipad
Evaluación | Assess students’ learning by: • The student can describe a product using several adjectives. • The student can make a glossary of the words and phrases used in describing products. • The student understands the general sense of a conference. • The student follows the meaning of words from context. |