Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

6 votos

5195 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 2a
Tema Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios
Competencia a desarrollar Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:15 Pronunciation practice. 1. Project on a screen the proposed material. It contains five versions of a dialogue of a man buying flowers for his wife. If there is no projector, give out photocopies for the students. 2. Ask some students to read each dialogue by pairs, taking a role in the conversation. This time we don´t have the image, but only the written ver5sion of a dialogue. Buying flowers

Buying flowers

Desarrollo 00:35 3. Play the recording of the first dialogue in the material and listen carefully. 4. A pair of students comes to the front and they repeat the dialogue with the correct pronunciation according to the example (they can read from the projection or the photocopies). The teacher helps them to improve their interpretation. 5. Do the same with the other four versions.

Cierre 00:10 6. Ask the students to answer the following questions in their notebooks: • Why the man is buying flowers? • Why the roses have a good price today? • Write the meaning of the following words: dozen, sale, cheap, cost, price. • What does the seller say about roses and women?

Evaluación Assess the level of the students in oral expression: • The student expresses clear and fluently when he reads. • The student follows the teacher´s indications to improve the pronunciation. • The student infers the meaning of words and phrases from the context.

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

0 votos

5196 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 2b
Tema Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios
Competencia a desarrollar Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:15 Describing things 1. Brainstorm the students about buying/selling vocabulary. Write the words in the board by turns. 2. Show the material to the students. Hear the first audio of the dialogues and follow it with the texts. The dialogue shows a refrigerator selling at a shop. Choosing a fridge

Choosing a fridge

Desarrollo 00:25 3. Make a list of the Kenmore refrigerator characteristics. Ask the student to write them, by turns, on the board, in a group activity. In pairs, the students pass to the front to play the roles of the seller and the buyer, first for the fridge arguing the advantages of the Kenmore to convince the buyer. Then changing the product to something the students choose. They must create the dialogues. trying to describe the products the best as possible.

Cierre 00:10 4. As a homework, ask the students to write one of the dialogues in their notebook. You will check the grammar and spelling the next class. 5. Ask the students to check the web page you will send them about comparatives and superlatives. Comparative and Superlative Activities

Comparative and Superlative Activities

Evaluación Assess the performance in writing expression by the following elements: • The student writes the ideas in order. • The sentences are clear and complete. • The students participates with respect in the review of the works.

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

1 voto

5197 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 2c
Tema Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios
Competencia a desarrollar Ofrecer y comprender sugerencias para adquirir o vender un producto Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Anticipa el sentido general y las ideas principales a partir de expresiones orales conocidas
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:25 Comparatives and superlatives 1. Show the material about comparatives and superlatives. Students must have reviewed it at home. 2. Ask the students to read aloud, by turns, the main issues. 3. Answer the emerging questions about the patterns and uses of comparatives. Comparative and Superlative Activities

Comparative and Superlative Activities

Desarrollo 00:25 4. In a whole class session, project and complete the survey in the proposed worksheet. You may change the issues due to the group characteristics. Students copy the table and keep it. 5. Form pairs of students to write sentences using comparatives based on the survey. For example, I am taller than Ricardo but smaller than Erica. Comparative and Superlative Activities

Comparative and Superlative Activities

Cierre 00:10 6. Each pair shares the sentences with the class and asks and the questions. 7. For the next class, ask the students to make a summary of the uses and patterns in comparatives and superlatives in English. It can be a comparative table, a synoptic table or a text.

Evaluación Assess the performance in this activity by reviewing the abstract the students make. It must contain the main issues on the subject and examples. • The student understands the general patterns for comparatives and superlatives. • The student can form comparatives and superlatives from regular adjectives. • The student can create examples of the uses of comparatives and superlatives.



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